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Few highlights on the decisions made:

The project split into 2 parts: the login screen and the rest of the app. I suppose the login page is a part of the landing. So to keep js bundle smaller, I serve only what needs to do log in routines.

  • Login logic is in src/Login.svelte — code, styles and html for a component. I carefully ported your styles from the existing login page (the required ones only), and without !important-s ;-) The page itself is built with css flexboxes. I use native html5 checks of email and required password fields. If something is not valid, the custom error message is shown. When built-in checks passed, I do XHR via FetchAPI (because it sets cookies from the response correctly). In case of failure, the ‘wrong password’ custom message is shown. When everything is OK, browser is redirected to dashobard.html
  • The dashboard page public/dashboard.html is just a skeleton, which is built with css Grids. Dynamic components are made for nav .organizations nav .projects and nav .channels blocks.
  • Initially Organizations component src/Organizations.svelte (which is a list of Organization components), and it’s brothers Projects and Channels components, were a simple ad-hoc blocks with the data passed though props (a notion similar to React). But then it becomes clear that I need to handle clicks on organizations and update downstream components appropriately with new data, this way of doing things turned out pretty ineffective.
  • Now, Organizations , Projects and Channels components use reactive stores resided in src/stores.js When the store changes, the new value from the store populates and all the dependent components are re-rendered. Initially, all stores are empty. The init_stores is called once at the beginning to populate the organizations list with the initial data through /sidebar API call. The Organizations component catches theses changes and updates itself and its descending components appropriately. The inti_stores returns a promise and if something went wrong during the request (for example if the session is already expired or not even set), the invocation side catches an error and redirects back to login page.
  • When user clicks on the particular organization, the subscription callback on current_organization store is invoked. It makes XHR with the proper organizationID and populates newer values for projects and channels stores. So appropriate components get updated reactively!

Overall, resulting components are self-sufficient, with code, styles and markup placed together. The reactive stores allow produce more consistent and readable code, despite the async nature of all events.

svelte app

This is a project template for Svelte apps. It lives at

To create a new project based on this template using degit:

npx degit sveltejs/template svelte-app
cd svelte-app

Note that you will need to have Node.js installed.

Get started

Install the dependencies...

cd svelte-app
npm install

...then start Rollup:

npm run dev

Navigate to localhost:5000. You should see your app running. Edit a component file in src, save it, and reload the page to see your changes.

By default, the server will only respond to requests from localhost. To allow connections from other computers, edit the sirv commands in package.json to include the option --host


Svelte + CloneDesk demo project






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