Hyper | Doom |
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![]() |
- Low memory usage. dashboard does not store the all user configs in memory like header etc these string will take some memory. now it will be clean after you open a file. you can still use dashboard command to open a new one , then dashboard will read the config from cache.
- Blazing fast
- Lazy.nvim
event = 'VimEnter',
config = function()
require('dashboard').setup {
-- config
dependencies = { {'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'}}
- Packer
use {
event = 'VimEnter',
config = function()
require('dashboard').setup {
-- config
requires = {'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons'}
theme = 'hyper' -- theme is doom and hyper default is hyper
disable_move -- default is false disable move keymap for hyper
shortcut_type -- shorcut type 'letter' or 'number'
shuffle_letter -- default is true, shortcut 'letter' will be randomize, set to false to have ordered letter.
change_to_vcs_root -- default is false,for open file in hyper mru. it will change to the root of vcs
config = {}, -- config used for theme
hide = {
statusline -- hide statusline default is true
tabline -- hide the tabline
winbar -- hide winbar
preview = {
command -- preview command
file_path -- preview file path
file_height -- preview file height
file_width -- preview file width
the config
field is used for theme. general field
config = {
header -- type is table def
week_header = {
enable --boolean use a week header
concat --concat string after time string line
append --table append after time string line
disable_move -- boolean default is false disable move key
when use hyper
theme the available options in config
config = {
shortcut = {
-- action can be a function type
{ desc = string, group = 'highlight group', key = 'shortcut key', action = 'action when you press key' },
packages = { enable = true }, -- show how many plugins neovim loaded
-- limit how many projects list, action when you press key or enter it will run this action.
-- action can be a function type, e.g.
-- action = func(path) vim.cmd('Telescope find_files cwd=' .. path) end
project = { enable = true, limit = 8, icon = 'your icon', label = '', action = 'Telescope find_files cwd=' },
mru = { enable = true, limit = 10, icon = 'your icon', label = '', cwd_only = false },
footer = {}, -- footer
when use doom
theme the available options in config
config = {
center = {
icon = '',
icon_hl = 'group',
desc = 'description',
desc_hl = 'group',
key = 'shortcut key in dashboard buffer not keymap !!',
key_hl = 'group',
key_format = ' [%s]', -- `%s` will be substituted with value of `key`
action = '',
footer = {},
vertical_center = false, -- Center the Dashboard on the vertical (from top to bottom)
notice if you don't link config every highlight group. you can ignore this key.
dashboard will use default highlight group like DashboardKey/Icon/Desc
open dashboardDbProjectDelete count
delete project in cache works for hyper theme. count is numberDashboardUpdateFooter
updates the content of the Footer
all highlight groups
-- General
DashboardHeader DashboardFooter
-- Hyper theme
DashboardProjectTitle DashboardProjectTitleIcon DashboardProjectIcon
DashboardMruTitle DashboardMruIcon DashboardFiles DashboardShortCutIcon
-- Doom theme
DashboardDesc DashboardKey DashboardIcon DashboardShortCut
example config of screenshot
theme = 'hyper',
config = {
week_header = {
enable = true,
shortcut = {
{ desc = ' Update', group = '@property', action = 'Lazy update', key = 'u' },
icon = ' ',
icon_hl = '@variable',
desc = 'Files',
group = 'Label',
action = 'Telescope find_files',
key = 'f',
desc = ' Apps',
group = 'DiagnosticHint',
action = 'Telescope app',
key = 'a',
desc = ' dotfiles',
group = 'Number',
action = 'Telescope dotfiles',
key = 'd',
theme = 'doom',
config = {
header = {}, --your header
center = {
icon = ' ',
icon_hl = 'Title',
desc = 'Find File ',
desc_hl = 'String',
key = 'b',
keymap = 'SPC f f',
key_hl = 'Number',
key_format = ' %s', -- remove default surrounding `[]`
action = 'lua print(2)'
icon = ' ',
desc = 'Find Dotfiles',
key = 'f',
keymap = 'SPC f d',
key_format = ' %s', -- remove default surrounding `[]`
action = 'lua print(3)'
footer = {} --your footer
- Removed Session as a start screen plugin speed is first.if you want use session you can take a look at glepnir/dbsession.nvim
- Removed Ueberzug script, as the Ueberzug author has deleted the repository.
- I will write a plugin to implement some popular terminal evaluators image protocol then I think can make it work with dashboard
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