for lack of a better name, at the moment.
Rix is a formulary using Repeatr and Reppl to build an auditable, immutable, and reproducible linux "distro" out of reusable components.
Like any other distro, the first goal is of course to be usable. But we have a couple of aims that are distinct and unusual:
- All build steps should be reproducible.
- We're going to tolerate some magic artifacts in the beginning, but hope to have snake-eating-its-tail as soon as possible.
- All binary products should be relocatable. None of this
Non-goals (for now):
- Base system installs. We're not chasing bootloaders, drivers, or anything else. Yet.
- Configuration management. Rix is a series of factory scripts, not an opinionated user environment.
Oh-so-early PoC.