This Terraform script is based on this blog post, modified to work with a Django app.
Another interesting resource:
ECS tasks logs will be sent to the us-east-1 region. This is specified in each task definition JSON file. For more information see: Using the awslogs Log Driver.
- Public SSH key/pair, edit
- The AWS region, main domain name, database credentials and the app secret are located
. - RDS/Elasticache instance size (and other vars) in
- Main container port and ENV variables in
- Main container Github source in
- CPU/RAM: need to be updated in
brew install terraform
terraform init
terraform apply -var 'access_key=foo' -var 'secret_key=bar'
terraform destroy -var 'access_key=foo' -var 'secret_key=bar'
- Enable code build/pipeline
- Rails -> Django
- Add ElastiCache Redis
- Add public EC2 server that can connect to the DB and Redis
- Update django sample app to connect from DATABASE_URL and REDIS_URL
- Add Elastic IP for ssh (rename -> Bastion)
- Setup domain name
- Setup Cloudfront
- Have the frontend use assets from Cloudfront
- Rename production to staging
- Setup ALB
- Make sure admin works
- Add prod parity
- Change SSH keys to IAM so multiple pub keys can be used to access bastion
- Writer better README
- Replace supervisor by 3 distinct ECS tasks (celery, celery beat, server)
- Add health check for backend from ECS
- Add monitoring
- Settings for instance types/container sizes
- Add CI
- Use Aurora Postgres
- Add ECS service discovery (instead of Consul)
- DB backups? (should be included with Aurora)
- Add VPN to protect the EC2 instance
- Add Vault + Consul
- DB migrations? Maybe we need a console
- Do we need nginx?
- ALB/ELB health check?