N.B. You can watch this repository if you want to be notified of new posts.
- Counters are not toys!
- Referentially transparent GUIs
- Solid and Functional
- Freedom of Expression has a Cost.
- Equality forall and forever
- A lock-free hash table for OCaml
- Building a lock-free STM for OCaml
- k-CAS for sweat-free concurrent programming
- HTTP requests beyond promises
- The future is algebraic
- A pattern matcher in JavaScript
- Transactional Locking
- Inverting Event Streams is a Choice
- Generalized approach to turn a functional data structure into a lock-free starvation avoiding data structure
- Extending k-CAS with efficient read-only CMP operations
- Simplified MSI model of shared memory
- Zio like monad in F# with extensible error handling
- Learning day: ReDiSL — This is a short writeup on a proof-of-concept Scala DSL for working with Redis drafted using a HOAS GADT based compiler.