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Faculty-Evaluation-Management-System PublicFaculty Evaluation Management System,Forgot password , Reset password , email verification Features
Own-Email-System-using-SMTP-and-PHPMailer PublicYou can directly compose email through your own web page . No need to login into email Provider web-page.
How-to-track-email-open-or-not-using-php-and-PHPMailer PublicThis simple PHP script will allows you to track open or not HTML emails. This feature you can also add in your web application also if you have continuously send email to your customer for reach. B…
Visited-Pages-Log PublicYou put your code into your WebPages and every time someone visits a WebPages and the code send valuable information about the visitor back to your log. Stat organises all this information into cha…
ChatApplication-Using-SignalR PublicChatApplication Using SignalR and C# in MVC.SignalR is a software library for Microsoft ASP.NET that allows server code to send asynchronous notifications to client-side web applications. The libra…
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