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DeepDriveMD: Coupling streaming AI and HPC ensembles to achieve 100-1000× faster biomolecular simulations

DeepDriveMD implemented using Colmena.

This implementation of DeepDriveMD enables ML/AI-coupled simulations using three primary components. Simulation: Simulations are used to explore possible trajectories of a protein or other biomolecular system; Training: Aggregated trajectories are used to train one or more ML models. Inference: Trained ML models are used to identify conformations for subsequent iterations of simulations. A Thinker process orchestrates these components to advance the workflow toward an optimization objective.


Table of Contents

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Contributing
  4. License
  5. Citations


Create a conda environment

conda create -n deepdrivemd python=3.9 -y
conda activate deepdrivemd

To install OpenMM for simulations:

conda install -c conda-forge gcc=12.1.0 -y
conda install -c conda-forge openmm -y

To install deepdrivemd:

git clone
cd deepdrivemd
make install


The workflow can be tested on a workstation (a system with a few GPUs) via:

python -m deepdrivemd.workflows.openmm_cvae -c tests/apps-enabled-workstation/test.yaml

This will generate an output directory for the run with logs, results, and task specific output folders.

Each test will write a timestamped experiment output directory to the runs/ directory.

Inside the output directory, you will find:

$ ls runs/experiment-170323-091525/
inference  params.yaml  result  run-info  runtime.log  simulation  train
  • params.yaml: the full configuration file (default parameters included)
  • runtime.log: the workflow log
  • result: a directory containing JSON files simulation.json, train.json, inference.json which log task results including success or failure, potential error messages, runtime statistics. This can be helpful for debugging application-level failures.
  • simulation, train, inference: output directories each containing subdirectories run-<uuid> for each submitted task. This is where the output files of your simulations, preprocessed data, model weights, etc will be written by your applications (it corresponds to the application workdir).
  • run-info: Parsl logs

An example, the simulation run directories may look like:

$ ls runs/experiment-170323-091525/simulation/run-08843adb-65e1-47f0-b0f8-34821aa45923:
1FME-unfolded.pdb  contact_map.npy  input.yaml  output.yaml  rmsd.npy  sim.dcd  sim.log
  • 1FME-unfolded.pdb the PDB file used to start the simulation
  • contact_map.npy, rmsd.npy: the preprocessed data files which will be input into the train and inference tasks
  • input.yaml, output.yaml: These simply log the task function input and return values, they are helpful for debugging but are not strtictly necessary
  • sim.dcd: the simulation trajectory file containing all the coordinate frames
  • sim.log: a simulation log detailing the energy, steps taken, ns/day, etc

By default the runs/ directory is ignored by git.

Production runs can be configured and run analogously. See examples/bba-folding-workstation/ for a detailed example of folding the 1FME protein. The YAML files document the configuration settings and explain the use case.

Software Interface

Implement a DeepDriveMD workflow with custom MD simulation engines, and AI training/inference methods by inherting from the DeepDriveMDWorkflow interface. This workflow implments the examples/bba-folding-workstation/ example:

from deepdrivemd.api import DeepDriveMDWorkflow

class DeepDriveMD_OpenMM_CVAE(DeepDriveMDWorkflow):
    def __init__(
        self, simulations_per_train: int, simulations_per_inference: int, **kwargs: Any
    ) -> None:
        self.simulations_per_train = simulations_per_train
        self.simulations_per_inference = simulations_per_inference

        # Make sure there has been at least one training task 
        # complete before running inference
        self.model_weights_available: bool = False

        # For batching training/inference inputs
        self.train_input = CVAETrainInput(contact_map_paths=[], rmsd_paths=[])
        self.inference_input = CVAEInferenceInput(
            contact_map_paths=[], rmsd_paths=[], model_weight_path=Path()

        # Communicate results between agents
        self.simulation_input_queue: Queue[MDSimulationInput] = Queue()

    def simulate(self) -> None:
        """Submit either a new outlier to simulate, or a starting conformer."""
        with self.simulation_govenor:
            if not self.simulation_input_queue.empty():
                inputs = self.simulation_input_queue.get()
                inputs = MDSimulationInput(sim_dir=next(self.simulation_input_dirs))

        self.submit_task("simulation", inputs)

    def train(self) -> None:
        """Submit a new training task."""
        self.submit_task("train", self.train_input)

    def inference(self) -> None:
        """Submit a new inference task once model weights are available."""
        while not self.model_weights_available:

        self.submit_task("inference", self.inference_input)

    def handle_simulation_output(self, output: MDSimulationOutput) -> None:
        """When a simulation finishes, decide to train a new model or infer outliers."""
        # Collect simulation results
        self.train_input.append(output.contact_map_path, output.rmsd_path)
        self.inference_input.append(output.contact_map_path, output.rmsd_path)

        # Signal train/inference tasks
        num_sims = len(self.train_input)
        if num_sims % self.simulations_per_train == 0:

        if num_sims % self.simulations_per_inference == 0:

    def handle_train_output(self, output: CVAETrainOutput) -> None:
        """When training finishes, update the model weights to use for inference."""
        self.inference_input.model_weight_path = output.model_weight_path
        self.model_weights_available = True

    def handle_inference_output(self, output: CVAEInferenceOutput) -> None:
        """When inference finishes, update the simulation queue with the latest outliers."""
        with self.simulation_govenor:
            self.simulation_input_queue.queue.clear() # Remove old outliers
            for sim_dir, sim_frame in zip(output.sim_dirs, output.sim_frames):
                    MDSimulationInput(sim_dir=sim_dir, sim_frame=sim_frame)


Please report bugs, enhancement requests, or questions through the Issue Tracker.

If you are looking to contribute, please see


DeepDriveMD has a MIT license, as seen in the file.


If you use DeepDriveMD in your research, please cite this paper:

  title={Coupling streaming ai and hpc ensembles to achieve 100--1000$\times$ faster biomolecular simulations},
  author={Brace, Alexander and Yakushin, Igor and Ma, Heng and Trifan, Anda and Munson, Todd and Foster, Ian and Ramanathan, Arvind and Lee, Hyungro and Turilli, Matteo and Jha, Shantenu},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS)},


DeepDriveMD implemented with Colmena



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  • Python 98.3%
  • Makefile 1.7%