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Here's the backend for ( Please LET ME KNOW if there's anything stupid here like exposed API keys or insecure thingies.

Running locally

cargo run --features debug

with a .env file in the same directory as cargo.toml in similar format to the .env.example.

If you'd like to run a productionized version of the build, omit --features debug and create a .env.production file.

This will run an API server on by default!

This project is also dockerized. Simply running docker compose up --build after cloning (AND MAKING A .env AND .env.production FILE!) should work out of the box. Submit an issue if this doesn't work!

Database setup

Docker setup

$ docker compose up --build

Remember to set your PG__HOST in .env to db.

Create a .env file (with .env.example). Note that for now PG DBNAME and PG USER have to be the same.

Non docker

To initiate the database:

  1. createuser -P user
    SQL: CREATE USER user WITH PASSWORD 'password';
    Create a user (optional)

  2. createdb -O user db

    Create a database

  3. Initialize the database psql -f sql/initdb.sql db

  4. Grant privileges to user

  5. Create a .env file (with .env.example). Note that for now PG DBNAME and PG USER have to be the same

  6. Run the server.

  7. Test that the server accepts POST requests.

    • Note: the below code is outdated. I will update these post requests when our API is a little more well-defined.
curl -i -d '{"name":"TEST LEAGUE"}' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
echo '{"name":"TEST LEAGUE"}' | http -f --json --print h POST