SUBMISSION: -The name of the program source code file is “”. It is written in python.
-There are 6 xml(.xml) files, each of them corresponding to each of the 6 packet capture(.pcapng) files with the same names. e.g: “ws_wireless.xml” file corresponds to the capture file “ws_wireless.pcapng”. -These files are given as input to the packet log analyzer program “”.
**All the packet captures and the corresponding xml files are submitted using google drive, as the files were too large for git hub submission. **This is the link to the google drive folder containing my packet captures(.pcapng) and the corresponding xml(.xml) format of those packet capture files. These xml files are given as input to the packet log analyzer program “”.
-The files were also submitted by email from the email ID [email protected].
-The makefile for the program execution, The pdf containig the answers to the HW questions, And the Program source code are submitted using github.
-Please download all the xml(.xml) files from the google drive link above and make sure to put them in the same folder containig both my source code “” and the "makefile".
-Run the program by typing the “make” command. The execution takes few minutes to complete!
-This will generate 6 text(.txt) files. Each of them corresponding to each of the 6 packet captures(.pcapng) files. the text files have the same name as the packet captures(.pcapng) with an extension of “_op”. e.g.: “ws_wireless_op.txt” file corresponds to the capture file “ws_wireless.pcapng”.
-These text files contain the analysis report of each of the 6 packet captures(.pcapng).
-HW questions are answered in the analysis.pdf file.