Docker definition for Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Developer including Full-Text Index enabled based on Windows Server Core 2022 (LTSC). This docker definition is a fork from Microsoft/mssql-docker on GitHub and was extended to support Full-Text Index.
This image is compatible with Windows Server 2016 and Windows 10 and available at
Create image from docker definition:
docker build -t mssql-server-windows-developer-fti .
Note: If you get an error like 'The remote name could not be resolved: ''' then try to add --network "Default Switch" and run again (see cannot resolve
docker build -t mssql-server-windows-developer-fti . --network "Default Switch"
SA_PASSWORD (mandatory)
When creating a container a password needs to be provided. The password must be strong and full-fill sql server password policy (e.g. a GUID ;-) ). Regarding password policy have a look at Password Policy
All samples here use following valid default password: Password123
ATTACH_DBS (optional)
Attach a set of databases to the server automatically when creating the container. The set is configured in JSON. This parameter must be used in combination to -v to mount the physical database location.
[ { 'dbName': 'SampleDB', 'dbFiles': ['c:\\databases\\SampleDB.mdf', 'c:\\databases\\SampleDB.ldf'] }, ... ]
- dbName: The name of the database
- dbFiles: Database files within the container
RESTORE_DBS (optional)
Restore a set of database backups to the server automatically when creating the container. The set is configured in JSON. This parameter must be used in combination to -v to mount the physical backup location.
[ { 'dbName': 'SampleDB', 'dbBackup': 'C:\\databases\\SampleDB.bak', 'dbLocation': 'C:\\databases\\' }, ... ]
- dbName: The name of the database
- dbBackup: The location of the backup within the container
- dbLocation: Specifies the location within the container where database files of the backup should be relocated
To create a new container run the following command:
docker run -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password123" -p 1533:1433 -d --name mssql-fti mssql-server-windows-developer-fti
Create a new container and attach a database (e.g. database 'SampleDB' exists at c:\databases):
docker run -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password123" -v "c:/databases/:C:/databases/" -e "ATTACH_DBS=[{'dbName':'SampleDB','dbFiles':['c:\\databases\\SampleDB.mdf','c:\\databases\\SampleDB_log.ldf']}]" -p 1533:1433 -d --name mssql-fti mssql-server-windows-developer-fti
Create a new container and restore a backup of a database (e.g. backup exists at c:\databases):
docker run -e "SA_PASSWORD=Password123" -v "c:/databases/:C:/databases/" -e "RESTORE_DBS=[{'dbName':'SampleDB','dbBackup':'C:\\databases\\SampleDB.bak', 'dbLocation':'C:\\databases\\'}]" -p 1533:1433 -d --name mssql-fti mssql-server-windows-developer-fti
To connect to the server you can use e.g. SQL Server Management Studio. For an app the connectionstring should look like this:
Connectionstring for container: Data Source=localhost,1533; User Id=sa; pwd=Password123;
Known Issue when connection with SQL Server Management Studio
A connection was successfully established with the server, but then an error occurred during the login process. (provider: SSL Provider, error: 0 - The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.) (Microsoft SQL Server, Error: -2146893019)
The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted.
In this case take a look at this conversation.
The ip address of the server can be obtained by this:
docker inspect --format '{{.NetworkSettings.Networks.nat.IPAddress}}' mssql-fti
View logs for trouble shooting:
docker logs mssql-fti
Connect to the container via sqlcmd and list databases:
sqlcmd -U sa -P Password123 -S localhost,1533
> SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases
> GO
>> Should show a list of databases
Execute sqlcmd within the container and list databases:
docker exec mssql-fti sqlcmd -q "SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases"
Restore a database from backup within the container. Note: c:\databases is mounted to the container and the original file location of the backup is c:\databases.
docker exec mssql-fti sqlcmd -q "RESTORE DATABASE SampleDB FROM DISK = 'c:\databases\SampleDB.bak'"