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Rama Vasudevan committed Oct 13, 2023
1 parent 5864d59 commit efba8f3
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Showing 3 changed files with 241 additions and 1 deletion.
191 changes: 191 additions & 0 deletions BGlib/be/analysis/utils/
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@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
#Sidpy fitting
This file will contain a class that is used for SHO fitting for sidpy datasets
for now I am just dumping the code from the notebook, but essentially this should be it's own class that is instantiated with the BEPS dataset
THen it should be able to do sho fitting and maybe loop fitting.

# import numpy as np
import time
import h5py

import pyNSID
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numba

import sidpy
#Let's open up a sample dataset and see...

import SciFiReaders as sr
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
import numpy as np

def SHO_fit_flattened(wvec,*p):
Amp, w_0, Q, phi=p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]
func = Amp * np.exp(1.j * phi) * w_0 ** 2 / (wvec ** 2 - 1j * wvec * w_0 / Q - w_0 ** 2)
return np.hstack([np.real(func),np.imag(func)])

def SHO_fit_abs(wvec,*p):
Amp, w_0, Q, phi=p[0],p[1],p[2],p[3]
func = Amp * np.exp(1.j * phi) * w_0 ** 2 / (wvec ** 2 - 1j * wvec * w_0 / Q - w_0 ** 2)
return np.abs(func)

def my_guess_fn(freq_vec,ydata):
ydata = np.array(ydata)
amp_guess = np.abs(ydata)[np.argmax(np.abs(ydata))]
Q_guess = 50
max_min_ratio = np.max(abs(ydata)) / np.min(abs(ydata))
phi_guess = np.angle(ydata)[np.argmax(np.abs(ydata))]
w_guess = freq_vec[np.argmax(np.abs(ydata))]

#Let's just run some Q values to find the closest one
Q_values = [5,10,20,50,100,200,500]
err_vals = []
for q_val in Q_values:
p_test = [amp_guess/q_val, w_guess, q_val, phi_guess]
func_out = SHO_fit_flattened(freq_vec,*p_test)
complex_output = func_out[:len(func_out)//2] + 1j*func_out[(len(func_out)//2):]
amp_output = np.abs(complex_output)
err = np.mean((amp_output - np.abs(ydata))**2)
Q_guess = Q_values[np.argmin(err_vals)]
p0 = [amp_guess/Q_guess, w_guess, Q_guess, phi_guess]
return p0

#Complex Gaussian Guess function
from numpy import exp, abs, sqrt, sum, real, imag, arctan2, append

def SHOestimateGuess(w_vec, resp_vec, num_points=5):
Generates good initial guesses for fitting
w_vec : 1D numpy array or list
Vector of BE frequencies
resp_vec : 1D complex numpy array or list
BE response vector as a function of frequency
num_points : (Optional) unsigned int
Quality factor of the SHO peak
retval : tuple
SHO fit parameters arranged as amplitude, frequency, quality factor, phase

ii = np.argsort(abs(resp_vec))[::-1]

a_mat = np.array([])
e_vec = np.array([])

for c1 in range(num_points):
for c2 in range(c1 + 1, num_points):
w1 = w_vec[ii[c1]]
w2 = w_vec[ii[c2]]
X1 = real(resp_vec[ii[c1]])
X2 = real(resp_vec[ii[c2]])
Y1 = imag(resp_vec[ii[c1]])
Y2 = imag(resp_vec[ii[c2]])

denom = (w1 * (X1 ** 2 - X1 * X2 + Y1 * (Y1 - Y2)) + w2 * (-X1 * X2 + X2 ** 2 - Y1 * Y2 + Y2 ** 2))
if denom > 0:
a = ((w1 ** 2 - w2 ** 2) * (w1 * X2 * (X1 ** 2 + Y1 ** 2) - w2 * X1 * (X2 ** 2 + Y2 ** 2))) / denom
b = ((w1 ** 2 - w2 ** 2) * (w1 * Y2 * (X1 ** 2 + Y1 ** 2) - w2 * Y1 * (X2 ** 2 + Y2 ** 2))) / denom
c = ((w1 ** 2 - w2 ** 2) * (X2 * Y1 - X1 * Y2)) / denom
d = (w1 ** 3 * (X1 ** 2 + Y1 ** 2) -
w1 ** 2 * w2 * (X1 * X2 + Y1 * Y2) -
w1 * w2 ** 2 * (X1 * X2 + Y1 * Y2) +
w2 ** 3 * (X2 ** 2 + Y2 ** 2)) / denom

if d > 0:
a_mat = append(a_mat, [a, b, c, d])

A_fit = abs(a + 1j * b) / d
w0_fit = sqrt(d)
Q_fit = -sqrt(d) / c
phi_fit = arctan2(-b, -a)

H_fit = A_fit * w0_fit ** 2 * exp(1j * phi_fit) / (
w_vec ** 2 - 1j * w_vec * w0_fit / Q_fit - w0_fit ** 2)

e_vec = append(e_vec,
sum((real(H_fit) - real(resp_vec)) ** 2) +
sum((imag(H_fit) - imag(resp_vec)) ** 2))
if a_mat.size > 0:
a_mat = a_mat.reshape(-1, 4)

weight_vec = (1 / e_vec) ** 4
w_sum = sum(weight_vec)

a_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 0]) / w_sum
b_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 1]) / w_sum
c_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 2]) / w_sum
d_w = sum(weight_vec * a_mat[:, 3]) / w_sum

A_fit = abs(a_w + 1j * b_w) / d_w
w0_fit = sqrt(d_w)
Q_fit = -sqrt(d_w) / c_w
phi_fit = np.arctan2(-b_w, -a_w)

H_fit = A_fit * w0_fit ** 2 * exp(1j * phi_fit) / (w_vec ** 2 - 1j * w_vec * w0_fit / Q_fit - w0_fit ** 2)

if np.std(abs(resp_vec)) / np.std(abs(resp_vec - H_fit)) < 1.2 or w0_fit < np.min(w_vec) or w0_fit > np.max(
p0 = SHOfastGuess(w_vec, resp_vec)
p0 = np.array([A_fit, w0_fit, Q_fit, phi_fit])
p0 = SHOfastGuess(w_vec, resp_vec)

return p0

def SHOfastGuess(w_vec, resp_vec, qual_factor=200):
Default SHO guess from the maximum value of the response
w_vec : 1D numpy array or list
Vector of BE frequencies
resp_vec : 1D complex numpy array or list
BE response vector as a function of frequency
qual_factor : float
Quality factor of the SHO peak
retval : 1D numpy array
SHO fit parameters arranged as [amplitude, frequency, quality factor, phase]
amp_vec = abs(resp_vec)
i_max = int(len(resp_vec) / 2)
return np.array([np.mean(amp_vec) / qual_factor, w_vec[i_max], qual_factor, np.angle(resp_vec[i_max])])

#Now let's fit them all with sidpy
#Let's try sidpy fitter
#Instantiate the SidFitter class

p0 = SHOestimateGuess(freq_vec, ydata)

lb = [1E-6, freq_vec.min(), 50, -2*np.pi]
ub = [1E-3, freq_vec.max(), 500, 2*np.pi]

fitter = sidpy.proc.fitter.SidFitter(beps_small, SHO_fit_flattened,num_workers=1,
guess_fn = SHOestimateGuess,ind_dims=[0,1,3,4],
threads=1, return_cov=False, return_fit=False, return_std=False,
km_guess=True,num_fit_parms = 4, n_clus = 5)

n_workers = 8
#for n_workers in [2,4,8]:

fitter = sidpy.proc.fitter.SidFitter(beps_small, SHO_fit_flattened,num_workers=n_workers,
guess_fn = SHOestimateGuess,ind_dims=[0,1,3,4],
threads=1, return_cov=False, return_fit=False, return_std=False,
km_guess=True,num_fit_parms = 4, n_clus = 4)
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions BGlib/be/translators/
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if sys.version_info.major == 3:
unicode = str

def fix_BE_problem(h5_main):
This function will fix dodgy BEline files that are output from some versions of V3
This bug causes incorrect sizes of the spectroscopic dimensions.
WARNING: This will irretrievably change the h5 file!
- h5_main: main dataset
None. The file is modified in-place.
spec_inds = h5_main.parent['Spectroscopic_Indices']
spec_vals = h5_main.parent['Spectroscopic_Values']
pos_inds = h5_main.parent['Position_Indices']
pos_vals = h5_main.parent['Position_Values']

freq_vec = np.unique(spec_vals)

spec_inds_new = np.zeros((1, len(freq_vec)))
spec_inds_new[0,:] = np.arange(len(freq_vec))
spec_vals_new = np.zeros_like(spec_inds_new)
spec_vals_new[0,:] = freq_vec

del h5_main.parent['Spectroscopic_Indices']
del h5_main.parent['Spectroscopic_Values']
h5_file = h5_main.file


h5_spec_inds = h5_main.parent.create_dataset(name='Spectroscopic_Indices', shape = (1, len(freq_vec)), data = spec_inds_new)
h5_spec_vals = h5_main.parent.create_dataset(name='Spectroscopic_Values', shape = (1, len(freq_vec)), data = spec_vals_new)

h5_spec_inds.attrs['labels'] = ['Frequency']
h5_spec_inds.attrs['units'] = ['Hz']

h5_spec_vals.attrs['labels'] = ['Frequency']
h5_spec_vals.attrs['units'] = ['Hz']



class LabViewH5Patcher(Translator):
Expand All @@ -34,6 +74,11 @@ class LabViewH5Patcher(Translator):

def __init__(self):
Patches the hdf5 files from the LabView V3 data aquisition software to meet the
standards of the Pycroscopy data format.
Output: Sidpy.Translator object
super(LabViewH5Patcher, self).__init__()

def _parse_file_path(self, input_path):
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion BGlib/be/viz/
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Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,11 @@ def __plot_loops_maps(ac_vec, resp_mat, grp_name, win_title, spec_var_title, mea
num_rows = int(np.floor((np.sqrt(h5_main.shape[0]))))
num_cols = int(np.reshape(h5_main, [num_rows, -1, h5_main.shape[1]]).shape[1])
num_rows, num_cols = h5_main.pos_dim_sizes
if len(h5_main.pos_dim_sizes)==1:
num_cols = 1
num_rows, num_cols = h5_main.pos_dim_sizes

h5_spec_vals = h5_file[get_attr(h5_main, 'Spectroscopic_Values')]
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