Make sure you have already installed
, Tauri Prerequisites.You can find that in tutorial section in PyTauri Documentation.
Clone this repository and cd
into it first.
# activate virtual environment
uv venv --python-preference only-system
source .venv/bin/activate
# install the example package
# or powershell: $env:PYTAURI_STANDALONE=1
uv pip install --reinstall -e .
cargo tauri dev --no-dev-server-wait
# activate virtual environment
uv venv --python-preference only-system
source .venv/bin/activate
# or powershell: .venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1
# install the example package
# (need some time to compile rust code,
# you can pass `--verbose` to see the progress)
uv pip install --reinstall -e .
# run the example
python -m nicegui_app