version 0.7.0
Since 0.6.0 we fixed the following issues:
- #122: Remove public 'fname' learner attribute
- #119: (Learner1D) add possibility to use the direct neighbors in the loss
- #114: (LearnerND) allow any convex hull as domain
- #121: How to handle NaN?
- #107: Make BaseRunner an abstract base class
- #112: (LearnerND) add iso-surface plot feature
- #56: Improve plotting for learners
- #118: widgets don't show up on
- #91: Set up documentation
- #62: AverageLearner math domain error
- #113: make BalancingLearner work with the live_plot
- #111: (LearnerND) flat simplices are sometimes added on the surface of the triangulation
- #103: (BalancingLearner) make new balancinglearner that looks at the total loss rather than loss improvement
- #110: LearnerND triangulation incomplete
- #127: Typo in documentation for
- #126: (Learner1D) improve time complexity
- #104: Learner1D could in some situations return -inf as loss improvement, which would make balancinglearner never choose to improve
- #128: (LearnerND) fix plotting of scaled domains
- #78: (LearnerND) scale y-values
and merged the following Merge Requests:
- !131: Resolve "(Learner1D) add possibility to use the direct neighbors in the loss"
- !137: adhere to PEP008 by using absolute imports
- !135: test all the different loss functions in each test
- !133: make 'fname' a parameter to 'save' and 'load' only
- !136: build the Dockerimage used in CI
- !134: change resolution_loss to a factory function
- !118: add 'save' and 'load' to the learners and periodic saving to the Runner
- !127: Resolve "(LearnerND) allow any convex hull as domain"
- !130: save execution time on futures inside runners
- !111: Resolve "Make BaseRunner an abstract base class"
- !124: Resolve "(LearnerND) add iso-surface plot feature"
- !108: exponentially decay message frequency in live_info
- !129: add tutorials
- !120: add documentation
- !125: update to the latest miniver
- !126: add check_whitespace
- !123: add an option to plot a HoloMap with the BalancingLearner
- !122: implement 'npoints' strategy for the 'BalancingLearner'
- !119: (learnerND) no more (almost) flat simplices in the triangulation
- !109: make a BalancingLearner strategy that compares the total loss rather than loss improvement
- !117: Cache loss and display it in the live_info widget
- !121: 2D: add loss that minimizes the area of the triangle in 3D
- !139: Resolve "(Learner1D) improve time complexity"
- !140: Resolve "(LearnerND) fix plotting of scaled domains"
- !128: LearnerND scale output values before computing loss