Sample for sellers on our marketplace to check for a users license and updates
You will send a POST request to with the query of userId and resourceId.
Those IDs will be (if using placeholders like in the sample) injected on download.
Placeholders that will be replaced on download:
- %%QTECH_USER_ID%% - Will be replaced by users website userId.
- %%QTECH_RESOURCE_ID%% - Will be replaced by resourceId of the downloaded file.
- %%QTECH_TIME%% - Will be replaced by a timestamp when the file was downloaded.
The resource injector can only replace placeholders in .jar files, this means it will replace the placeholders on compiled .class files inside the jar.
If the license has been successfully verified and the user isn't banned the response will look like this:
{"status":"SUCCESS","username": "username", version":"1.7.4"}
If something failed i.e the user is banned a response will look like this:
This sample shouldn't be used 1:1 in your spigot plugin, program or client as its just to show how it works and is pretty easily crackable.