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Chromobius (Development Version) API Reference


# Types used by the method definitions.
from typing import overload, TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import io
import pathlib
import numpy as np

# chromobius.compile_decoder_for_dem

# (at top-level in the chromobius module)
def compile_decoder_for_dem(
    dem: stim.DetectorErrorModel,
) -> chromobius.CompiledDecoder:
    """Compiles a decoder for a stim detector error model.

        dem: A stim detector error model. The detector error model must satisfy:
            1. Basis+Color annotations. Every detector that appears in an error
                must specify coordinate data including a fourth coordinate. The 4th
                coordinate indicates the basis and color of the detector with the
                    0 = Red X
                    1 = Green X
                    2 = Blue X
                    3 = Red Z
                    4 = Green Z
                    5 = Blue Z
                    -1 = Ignore this Detector
            2. Rainbow triplets. Bulk errors with three symptoms in one basis should
                have one symptom of each color. Errors with three symptoms that
                repeat a color will cause an exception unless they can be decomposed
                into other basic errors.
            3. Movable excitations. It needs to be possible to combine bulk errors
                to form simpler errors with one or two symptoms that can be used to
                move or destroy excitations. If bulk errors don't have this
                property, decoding will fail when attempting to lift a solution
                from the matcher requires dragging an excitation along a path but
                there's no way to move the excitation along that path.
            4. Matchable-avoids-color. In parts of the dem that correspond to a
                matchable code, at least one of the colors must be avoided.
                Otherwise the matcher may be given a problem that can be solved
                locally, but when lifting it needs to be solved non-locally.

        A decoder object that can be used to predict observable flips from
        detection event samples.

        >>> import stim
        >>> import chromobius

        >>> dem = stim.Circuit('''
        ...     X_ERROR(0.1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        ...     MPP Z0*Z1*Z2 Z1*Z2*Z3 Z2*Z3*Z4 Z3*Z4*Z5
        ...     DETECTOR(0, 0, 0, 1) rec[-4]
        ...     DETECTOR(1, 0, 0, 2) rec[-3]
        ...     DETECTOR(2, 0, 0, 0) rec[-2]
        ...     DETECTOR(3, 0, 0, 1) rec[-1]
        ...     M 0
        ...     OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(0) rec[-1]
        ... ''').detector_error_model()

        >>> decoder = chromobius.compile_decoder_for_dem(dem)

# chromobius.sinter_decoders

# (at top-level in the chromobius module)
def sinter_decoders() -> dict[str, sinter.Decoder]:
    """A dictionary describing chromobius to sinter.

    Giving the result of this function to the `custom_decoders` argument of
    `sinter.collect` will tell sinter about the decoder 'chromobius'. On the
    command line, the equivalent argument is
    `--custom_decoders 'chromobius:sinter_decoders'`.

        The dict `{'chromobius': <an object compatible with sinter.Decoder>}`.

# chromobius.CompiledDecoder

# (at top-level in the chromobius module)
class CompiledDecoder:
    """A chromobius decoder ready to predict observable flips from detection events.

        >>> import stim
        >>> import chromobius

        >>> dem = stim.Circuit('''
        ...     X_ERROR(0.1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        ...     MPP Z0*Z1*Z2 Z1*Z2*Z3 Z2*Z3*Z4 Z3*Z4*Z5
        ...     DETECTOR(0, 0, 0, 1) rec[-4]
        ...     DETECTOR(1, 0, 0, 2) rec[-3]
        ...     DETECTOR(2, 0, 0, 0) rec[-2]
        ...     DETECTOR(3, 0, 0, 1) rec[-1]
        ...     M 0
        ...     OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(0) rec[-1]
        ... ''').detector_error_model()

        >>> decoder = chromobius.CompiledDecoder.from_dem(dem)

# chromobius.CompiledDecoder.from_dem

# (in class chromobius.CompiledDecoder)
def from_dem(
    dem: stim.DetectorErrorModel,
) -> chromobius.CompiledDecoder:
    """Compiles a decoder for a stim detector error model.

        dem: A stim detector error model. The detector error model must satisfy:
            1. Basis+Color annotations. Every detector that appears in an error
                must specify coordinate data including a fourth coordinate. The 4th
                coordinate indicates the basis and color of the detector with the
                    0 = Red X
                    1 = Green X
                    2 = Blue X
                    3 = Red Z
                    4 = Green Z
                    5 = Blue Z
                    -1 = Ignore this Detector
            2. Rainbow triplets. Bulk errors with three symptoms in one basis should
                have one symptom of each color. Errors with three symptoms that
                repeat a color will cause an exception unless they can be decomposed
                into other basic errors.
            3. Movable excitations. It needs to be possible to combine bulk errors
                to form simpler errors with one or two symptoms that can be used to
                move or destroy excitations. If bulk errors don't have this
                property, decoding will fail when attempting to lift a solution
                from the matcher requires dragging an excitation along a path but
                there's no way to move the excitation along that path.
            4. Matchable-avoids-color. In parts of the dem that correspond to a
                matchable code, at least one of the colors must be avoided.
                Otherwise the matcher may be given a problem that can be solved
                locally, but when lifting it needs to be solved non-locally.

        A decoder object that can be used to predict observable flips from
        detection event samples.

        >>> import stim
        >>> import chromobius

        >>> dem = stim.Circuit('''
        ...     X_ERROR(0.1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        ...     MPP Z0*Z1*Z2 Z1*Z2*Z3 Z2*Z3*Z4 Z3*Z4*Z5
        ...     DETECTOR(0, 0, 0, 1) rec[-4]
        ...     DETECTOR(1, 0, 0, 2) rec[-3]
        ...     DETECTOR(2, 0, 0, 0) rec[-2]
        ...     DETECTOR(3, 0, 0, 1) rec[-1]
        ...     M 0
        ...     OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(0) rec[-1]
        ... ''').detector_error_model()

        >>> decoder = chromobius.CompiledDecoder.from_dem(dem)

# chromobius.CompiledDecoder.predict_obs_flips_from_dets_bit_packed

# (in class chromobius.CompiledDecoder)
def predict_obs_flips_from_dets_bit_packed(
    dets: np.ndarray,
) -> np.ndarray:
    """Predicts observable flips from detection events.

        dets: A bit packed numpy array of detection event data. The array can either
            be 1-dimensional (a single shot to decode) or 2-dimensional (multiple
            shots to decode, with the first axis being the shot axis and the second
            axis being the detection event byte axis).

            The array's dtype must be np.uint8. If you have an array of dtype
            np.bool_, you have data that's not bit packed. You can pack it by
            using `np.packbits(array, bitorder='little')`. But ideally you
            should attempt to never have unpacked data in the first place,
            since it's 8x larger which can be a large performance loss. For
            example, stim's sampler methods all have a `bit_packed=True` argument
            that cause them to return bit packed data.

        A bit packed numpy array of observable flip data. The array will have
        the same number of dimensions as the dets argument.

        If dets is a 1D array, then the result has:
            shape = (math.ceil(num_obs / 8),)
            dtype = np.uint8
        If dets is a 2D array, then the result has:
            shape = (dets.shape[0], math.ceil(num_obs / 8),)
            dtype = np.uint8

        To determine if the observable with index k was flipped in shot s, compute:
            `bool((result[s, k // 8] >> (k % 8)) & 1)`

        >>> import stim
        >>> import chromobius
        >>> import numpy as np

        >>> repetition_color_code = stim.Circuit('''
        ...     # Apply noise.
        ...     X_ERROR(0.1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        ...     # Measure three-body stabilizers to catch errors.
        ...     MPP Z0*Z1*Z2 Z1*Z2*Z3 Z2*Z3*Z4 Z3*Z4*Z5 Z4*Z5*Z6 Z5*Z6*Z7
        ...     # Annotate detectors, with a coloring in the 4th coordinate.
        ...     DETECTOR(0, 0, 0, 2) rec[-6]
        ...     DETECTOR(1, 0, 0, 0) rec[-5]
        ...     DETECTOR(2, 0, 0, 1) rec[-4]
        ...     DETECTOR(3, 0, 0, 2) rec[-3]
        ...     DETECTOR(4, 0, 0, 0) rec[-2]
        ...     DETECTOR(5, 0, 0, 1) rec[-1]
        ...     # Check on the message.
        ...     M 0
        ...     OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(0) rec[-1]
        ... ''')

        >>> # Sample the circuit.
        >>> shots = 4096
        >>> sampler = repetition_color_code.compile_detector_sampler()
        >>> dets, actual_obs_flips = sampler.sample(
        ...     shots=shots,
        ...     separate_observables=True,
        ...     bit_packed=True,
        ... )

        >>> # Decode with Chromobius.
        >>> dem = repetition_color_code.detector_error_model()
        >>> decoder = chromobius.compile_decoder_for_dem(dem)
        >>> predicted_flips = decoder.predict_obs_flips_from_dets_bit_packed(dets)

        >>> # Count mistakes.
        >>> differences = np.any(predicted_flips != actual_obs_flips, axis=1)
        >>> mistakes = np.count_nonzero(differences)
        >>> assert mistakes < shots / 5

# chromobius.CompiledDecoder.predict_weighted_obs_flips_from_dets_bit_packed

# (in class chromobius.CompiledDecoder)
def predict_weighted_obs_flips_from_dets_bit_packed(
    dets: np.ndarray,
) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    """Predicts observable flips and weights from detection events.

    The returned weight comes directly from the underlying call to pymatching, not
    accounting for the lifting process.

        dets: A bit packed numpy array of detection event data. The array can either
            be 1-dimensional (a single shot to decode) or 2-dimensional (multiple
            shots to decode, with the first axis being the shot axis and the second
            axis being the detection event byte axis).

            The array's dtype must be np.uint8. If you have an array of dtype
            np.bool_, you have data that's not bit packed. You can pack it by
            using `np.packbits(array, bitorder='little')`. But ideally you
            should attempt to never have unpacked data in the first place,
            since it's 8x larger which can be a large performance loss. For
            example, stim's sampler methods all have a `bit_packed=True` argument
            that cause them to return bit packed data.

        A tuple (obs, weights).
        Obs is a bit packed numpy array of observable flip data.
        Weights is a numpy array (or scalar) of floats.

        If dets is a 1D array, then the result has:
            obs.shape = (math.ceil(num_obs / 8),)
            obs.dtype = np.uint8
            weights.shape = ()
            weights.dtype = np.float32
        If dets is a 2D array, then the result has:
            shape = (dets.shape[0], math.ceil(num_obs / 8),)
            dtype = np.uint8
            weights.shape = (dets.shape[0],)
            weights.dtype = np.float32

        To determine if the observable with index k was flipped in shot s, compute:
            `bool((obs[s, k // 8] >> (k % 8)) & 1)`

        >>> import stim
        >>> import chromobius
        >>> import numpy as np

        >>> repetition_color_code = stim.Circuit('''
        ...     # Apply noise.
        ...     X_ERROR(0.1) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
        ...     # Measure three-body stabilizers to catch errors.
        ...     MPP Z0*Z1*Z2 Z1*Z2*Z3 Z2*Z3*Z4 Z3*Z4*Z5 Z4*Z5*Z6 Z5*Z6*Z7
        ...     # Annotate detectors, with a coloring in the 4th coordinate.
        ...     DETECTOR(0, 0, 0, 2) rec[-6]
        ...     DETECTOR(1, 0, 0, 0) rec[-5]
        ...     DETECTOR(2, 0, 0, 1) rec[-4]
        ...     DETECTOR(3, 0, 0, 2) rec[-3]
        ...     DETECTOR(4, 0, 0, 0) rec[-2]
        ...     DETECTOR(5, 0, 0, 1) rec[-1]
        ...     # Check on the message.
        ...     M 0
        ...     OBSERVABLE_INCLUDE(0) rec[-1]
        ... ''')

        >>> # Sample the circuit.
        >>> shots = 4096
        >>> sampler = repetition_color_code.compile_detector_sampler()
        >>> dets, actual_obs_flips = sampler.sample(
        ...     shots=shots,
        ...     separate_observables=True,
        ...     bit_packed=True,
        ... )

        >>> # Decode with Chromobius.
        >>> dem = repetition_color_code.detector_error_model()
        >>> decoder = chromobius.compile_decoder_for_dem(dem)
        >>> result = decoder.predict_weighted_obs_flips_from_dets_bit_packed(dets)
        >>> pred, weights = result