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Open-source implementation of a "mobius decoder" for colors codes used in quantum error correction (QEC)


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Chromobius: color code decoder

Chromobius is an implementation of a "mobius decoder", which approximates the color code decoding problem as a minimum weight matching problem. Chromobius uses PyMatching to solve the minimum weight matching problem.

See ((((the paper "New circuits and an open source decoder for the color code")))) for more details on how Chromobius works.

How to use Chromobius

See the getting started notebook.

Also see the python api reference.

Programmers who want to edit and build Chromobius can check the developer documentation.

Example Snippets

Decoding a shot with Chromobius

From python:

import stim
import chromobius
import numpy as np

def count_mistakes(circuit: stim.Circuit, shots: int) -> int:
    # Sample the circuit.    
    dets, actual_obs_flips = circuit.compile_detector_sampler().sample(

    # Decode with Chromobius.
    decoder = chromobius.compile_decoder_for_dem(circuit.detector_error_model())
    predicted_obs_flips = decoder.predict_obs_flips_from_dets_bit_packed(dets)

    # Count mistakes.
    return np.count_nonzero(np.any(predicted_obs_flips != actual_obs_flips, axis=1))

From the command line:

# Sample shots of detectors and observable flips.
stim detect \
    --shots 100000 \
    --in "example_circuit.stim" \
    --out "dets.b8" \
    --out_format "b8" \
    --obs_out "obs_actual.txt" \
    --obs_out_format "01"
# Extract a detector error model used to configure Chromobius.
stim analyze_errors \
    --in "example_circuit.stim" \
    --fold_loops \
    --out "dem.dem"

# Decode the shots.
chromobius predict \
    --dem "dem.dem" \
    --in "dets.b8" \
    --in_format "b8" \
    --out "obs_predicted.txt" \
    --out_format "01"

# Count the number of shots with a prediction mistake.
paste obs_actual.txt obs_predicted.txt \
    | grep -Pv "^([01]*)\\s*\\1$" \
    | wc -l

From python using sinter:

import sinter
import chromobius
import os

tasks: list[sinter.Task] = ...
stats: list[sinter.TaskStats] = sinter.collect(

From the command line using sinter:

sinter collect \
    --circuits "example_circuit.stim" \
    --decoders chromobius \ 
    --custom_decoders_module_function "chromobius:sinter_decoders" \
    --max_shots 100_000 \
    --max_errors 100
    --processes auto \
    --save_resume_filepath "stats.csv" \