Below is a list of tools we at Qurit find useful when we are developing new radiomolecular imaging and therapy techniques.
- is an amazing place to find free/open source medical imaging software/tools
- NMMItools is a handy reference website for software tools to simulate, reconstruct and analyze synthetic or real data related to Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (NMMI) studies.
- Mango is a viewer for medical research images. It provides analysis tools and a user interface to navigate image volumes.
- FreeSurfer is an open source software package for the analysis and visualization of neuroimaging data.
- Students get free JetBrains IDE’s (IntelliJ, PyCharm, ect…). Link
- Cyberdock is a good FTP / SFTP client for mac and windows. Link
- VS Code is very good for remote development on VM's / Servers. Link
- VS Code Remote X11 extension allowing viewing of the GUI of a remote workspace. Link
- Image Datasets is another extensive list of image datasets
- Medical Imaging datasets is yet another extensive list of medical imaging datasets
- Medical Data for Machine Learning is a curated list of medical data for machine learning.
- Academic Torrents is another online repository for datasets
- PPMI Dataset provides access to all clinical, imaging and biomarker data collected in PPMI (Including both raw and processed MRI and SPECT images)
- Connected Papers performs a search of similar paper and arranges them in a graph based on similarities.
- Extensive list of pretrained computer vision models. Link
- Extensive list of open access medical image repositories/datasets. Link
- StatQuest with Josh Starmer is an informative YouTube channel that talks about the latest in statistics and machine learning
- Handbook of Biological Statistics is a great resource which details t tests, regressions, general science, ect...
- The Elements of Statistical Learning is a really good textbook for mathematics and stats concepts which gives tools to understand at an intuitive leve
- Smallpdf is a great tool for common PDF operations (especially compressing)
- Power Bi is a powerful, Microsoft office like, graphing suite. Much more capable then excel.
- Mathpix is a great tool that converts images of equations into different formats.
- Pandoc is a great tool for converting latex documents into a variety of different formats.
- Creative Cloud is free for UBC students and Staff. [Link](