Simple HTTP API read only server to test Single Page Application
Simulates HTTP API for testing Single Page Application, e.g. VueJs app. Typically a reply is a 'application/json' format but you can use anything you want by passing the '-contentType' param. Allows only "GET" requests.
API root path by default '/api/v1.0/' to set another root path use '-apiroot' param and set any prefix you want.
Create a file with a *.resp extension. Name it follow the rule below. Any part of the name separated by one underscore '_' treated as url part before the slash '/'. Example: events_recent.resp will be transalted to /api/v1.0/events/recent
No query params supported!
You can crate as many '.resp' files as you want. New files can be added during server work, no need to restart. You can even change the contents in '.resp' file - server always reads the file at request time.
Error 404 reported if '*.resp' file not exists.
To see usage notes use -help
You can set:
- -addr string - to which IP bind the server (default
), to bind all interfaces place empty value""
- -apiroot string - relative to the server root path (default
) - -contentType string - content type for response (default "application/json")
- -ext string - extension for data files (default "resp")
- -port int - server port to listen at (default 3000)
Compile the app with go install
or just run with go run main.go
By default server starts at localhost:3000
and API available at http://localhost:3000/api/v1
Root '/' path always redirects to apiRoot.
At api root http://localhost:3000/api/v1
you can see clickable link list of available API paths.
Available paths to GET:
Compile with Go 1.9.x and