Send me a hello through the blockchain!
This is my project for the course Build a Web3 App with Solidity + Ethereum Smart Contracts at Buildspace built with HTML, CSS, JS, React, Solidity and Vite Js tools.
The site is live at

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Vite is a blazing fast frontend build tool that includes features like Hot Module Reloading (HMR), optimized builds, and TypeScript support out of the box.
Solidity is a popular high-level language for implementing smart contracts which govern the behaviour of accounts within the Ethereum state.
While improve this project, I would start by implementing the following features -
- Adding a message field showing previous messages
- Adding a Ethereum faucet to allow the users to mint the NFTs without paying for the gas fees
- Transition to mainnet network on Ethereum
I learned the basics of Solidity and how to write + deploy a smart contract to the blockchain, and build a Web3 client app to interact with the contract. I combined Solidity with ViteJS library to implement a smart contract which allows the user to send me a message through the blockchain. I learned how the data moves on the blockchain.
1.Node.js v14+
2.MetaMask browser extension
3.Testnet Ethereum for the gas fees