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A GraphQL REST wrapper example using the NewsAPI build with the NestJS Framework

Recently updated with nestjs v6.11

Check out the repo's wiki for more information!


Edit nest-graphql-example


Came across the NestJS while experimenting with different Typescript based frameworks for GraphQL specific use cases.


If you don't have a NewsAPI account or api token available, please follow the steps in order to get the app running!

Step 1:

Login or Register for NewsAPI

Step 2:

Go to your account page and copy your API Token

Example NewsAPI Account Page

Step 3:

Create a new .env file and add the following environment variable


Note: you can also just rename the .env.sample to .env and replace the key there

PORT=3000 # or your preferred port


Clone the repo!

git clone

Install dependencies


OR npm i

Start the App

yarn dev

The browser should then open automatically on to the graphql-playground page

Note: Default playground should be available at http://localhost:3000/graphql

Unless you changed the PORT environment variable in which case your playground should be hosted at http://localhost:${YOUR_PORT}/graphql


Top Headlines Example

Query for returning TopHeadlines

query TopHeadlines($query: String!, $options: HeadlineInput) {
	topHeadlines(q: $query, options: $options) {
		articles {

Variables for our TopHeadlines Query

	"query": "API Keys",
	"options": {
		"pageSize": 5,
		"page": 1

Results should end up showing in this sort of format

	"data": {
		"topHeadlines": {
			"status": "ok",
			"totalResults": 3,
			"articles": [
					"title": "Did you know API Keys are Self Aware?!",
					"description": "Secure and treat your API Keys with respect",
					"author": "YOUR API KEY... WITHDIGITS3030"

See the example on GraphQLBin

Built With

  • NestJS - A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient, reliable and scalable server-side applications.
  • NewsAPI - Up-to-date news headlines and metadata in JSON from 70+ popular news sites.
  • newsapi (Node Client)- A node client for NewsAPI.
  • GraphQL a query language for your API
  • Typescript a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output
  • CodeSandbox is an online code editor with a focus on creating and sharing web application projects.
  • GraphQL-Playground a GraphQL IDE for better development workflows (GraphQL Subscriptions, interactive docs & collaboration).
  • Fastify a fast and low overhead web framework for Node.js
  • Apollo Server Fastify – This is the Fastify integration of GraphQL Server. Apollo Server is a community-maintained open-source GraphQL server that works with many Node.js HTTP server frameworks.

The updated version of this api uses a workaround to deploy using zeit/now. This is due to a downstream dependency issue on @nestjs/graphql – see zeit/now #3115 and TrilonIO/zeit-now-nestjs #2)

Feel free to reach out with via Issues, Twitter and/or PRs with a tag @rajinwonderland

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