Bot Name: cursed_bot
Bot Username: @useless_joke_bot
starts the bot/bop
returns a random dog image/maw
returns a random cat image/joke
returns a random joke/kanyeQuote
returns a random Kanye West quote/chucknorrisfax
returns a random fact about Chuck Norris- more to come!
Aside from the default Python gitignore, there is a
file that is in the .gitignore
contains the API Key for the chat bot, and the random cat images API.
The chat bot is hosted on heroku, under cursed-telegram-bot
key = 'chatbot_api_key'
cat_key = 'cat_images_api_key'
Run the
project, then the chat bot should activate, then run one of the supported commands provided above.
- Integrate with my Cursed Images API after everything in that is done!
- Add the number guessing game
- Provide more commands to be supported (e.g.
) - Maybe provide some conversation?