This repository contains the source code of a web app for grouping clashes.
The contents (with a short description) are as follows.
`-- 01_files.config * Configuration file for Amazon Web Services
|-- * Code for web app (uses Flask web application framework)
|-- * Code for running web app locally
|-- app.yaml * Configuration file for Google App Engine
|-- clash_util.ini * Contains the default path configuration used by the app
|-- * Code for grouping the clashes and outputting the results
|-- requirements.txt * List of required Python libraries as ouput by 'python -m pip freeze'
|-- static
|-- favicon.ico * Whiting Turner icon
`-- styles.css * CSS file describing styles used in web app
\-- templates
`-- form-gui.html * HTML template (Jinja2) describing html form in web app
INSTRUCTIONS.txt * Instructions for running the app locally
SETUP.bat * Batch executable for setting up the app (downloads requirements)
RUN.bat * Batch executable for running the app