Redis cluster docker image is a cluste enabled image for container technology.
The redis has two types, redis-server and redis-sentinel, to work in cluster. The redis-server is the main application for the memory cache service. The redis-sentinel act as a arbitrator to judge which redis-server is master for writing. When you run redis-master or redis-slave, the redis sentinel is also activated as well. The following commands for how to run the docker image in different type.
NOTE: You can also use this image to work in standalone mode.
NOTE: The quorun can be reference to the section of redis sentinel website.
Parameter | Description |
REDISPASSWORD | The authentication for the redis access |
STANDALONE | The redis will act as a standalone cache server |
ACT_MASTER | The redis will act as a master for data write access in the cache cluster |
ACT_SLAVE | The redis will act as a slave for synchronizing data access in the cache cluster |
ACT_SENTINEL | The redis will perform judge to decide which redis server is master |
REDIS_MASTER_HOSTNAME | The first connecting redis hostname or ip address, basically it is the redis master in the cluster |
SENTINEL_QUORUM | The quorum value defined in the redis sentinel |
$ docker run -p 6379:6379 -p 26379:26379 --name redis-standalone -h redis-standalone -e STANDALONE=1 -e REDISPASSWORD=redispass wiarea/redis:3.0.7-alpine
$ docker run -p 6379:6379 -p 26379:26379 --name redis-master -h redis-master -e ACT_MASTER=1 -e REDISPASSWORD=redispass -e REDIS_MASTER_HOSTNAME=master_host_ip -e SENTINEL_QUORUM=quorum_num wiarea/redis:3.0.7-alpine
$ docker run -p 6379:6379 -p 26379:26379 --name redis-slave -h redis-slave -e ACT_SLAVE=1 -e REDISPASSWORD=redispass -e REDIS_MASTER_HOSTNAME=master_host_ip -e SENTINEL_QUORUM=quorum_num wiarea/redis:3.0.7-alpine
$ docker run -p 6379:6379 -p 26379:26379 --name redis-sentinel -h redis-sentinel -e ACT_SLAVE=1 -e REDIS_MASTER_HOSTNAME=master_host_ip -e SENTINEL_QUORUM=quorum_num wiarea/redis:3.0.7-alpine