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OpenShift Offline Operator Catalogue

Please note: This script is now depricated. Please use oc-mirror which is the official supported tooling from Red Hat to mirror OLM operators and related images.

This script will:

  • Create a custom operator catalogue based on the desired operators
  • Mirror the required images to a local registry.
  • (NEW) Optionally it can figure out the upgrade path to the latest version of an operator and mirror those images as well
  • Generate ImageContentSourcePolicy YAML
  • Genetate CatalogSource YAML

Why create this?

Because the current catalogue build and mirror process mirrors all versions of the operator which results in exponential amount of images that are mirrored that are unnecessary. For my use case only 100 images were required but I ended up with 1200 mirrored images.


This script has been updated for OpenShift 4.10+. For mirroring operators in OCP 4.10+ upgrade paths are not supported


This tool was tested with the following versions of the runtime and utilities.

  1. RHEL 8.2, Fedora 33 (For OPM tool RHEL 8 or Fedora equivalent is a hard requirement due to dependency on glibc version 2.28+)
  2. Python 3.7.6 (with pyyaml,jinja2 library) a. pip install --requirement requirements.txt
  3. Podman v2.0+ (If you use anything below 1.8, you might run into issues with multi-arch manifests)
  4. Skopeo 1.0+ (If you use anything below 1.0 you might have issue with the newer manifests)
  5. Oc CLI 4.6.9+

Please note this only works with operators that meet the following criteria

  1. Have a CSV in the manifest that contains a full list of related images
  2. The related images are tagged with a SHA

For a full list of operators that work offline please see link below

Running the script

  1. Install the tools listed in the requirements section

  2. Login to your offline registry using podman (This is the registry where you will be publishing the catalogue and related images). (You can use the --authfile option instead)

  3. Login to using podman (You can use the --authfile option instead)

  4. Login to using podman (You can use the --authfile option instead)

  5. Update the offline_operator_list.yaml file with the operators you want to include in the catalog creation and mirroring. See for list of supported offline operators

  6. Run the script (sample command, see arguements section for more details) \
    --catalog-version 1.0.0 \
    --authfile /var/run/containers/0/auth.json \
    --registry-olm local_registry_url:5000 \
    --registry-catalog local_registry_url:5000 \
    --operator-file ./offline_operator_list \
  7. Disable default operator source

    oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json \
        -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]''
  8. Apply the yaml files in the publish folder. The image content source policy will create a new MCO render which will start a rolling reboot of your cluster nodes. You have to wait until that is complete before attempting to install operators from the catalogue

Script Arguments



The location of the auth.json file generated when you use podman or docker to login registries using podman. The auth file is located either in your home directory under .docker or /run/user/your_uid/containers/auth.json or /var/run/containers/your_uid/auth.json

If you already have a pull-secret.json file with all registries credentials (,, private registry) you don't need to login to the registries with podman.



The URL of the destination registry where the operator images will be mirrored to



The URL of the destination registry where the operator catalogue image will be published to


Optional: Default: "1.0.0"

Arbitrary version number to tag your catalogue image. Unless you are interested in doing AB testing, keep the release version for all subsequent runs.


Optional: Default:4.6

The Version of OCP that will be used to download the OPM CLI


Optional: Default:4.6

The Operator Channel to create the custom catalogue from


Required if --operator-file and --operator-yaml-file not set

List of operators to include in your custom catalogue. If this argument is used, --operator-file argument should not be used.

The entires should be separated by spaces


--operator-list kubevirt-hyperconverged local-storage-operator

Required if --operator-list or --operator-yaml-file not set

Location of the file containing a list of operators to include in your custom catalogue. The entries should be in plain text with no quotes. Each line should only have one operator name. If this argument is used, --operator-list should not be used

Example operator list file content:


Required if --operator-list or --operator-file not set

Location of the file containing a list of operators to include in your custom catalogue. Each entry includes a "name" property and an optional "start_version". If the start_version property is not set, only the latest version of the operator in the default channel will be mirroed. If the parameter is set, the automation figures out the shortest upgrade path to the latest version and mirrors the images from those versions as well. At the end of the run you can check the file called mirror_log.txt in the publish directory to see the upgrade path required for each operator. For the version only include the X.Y.Z digits. Even though there is some sanitization of the version number, the matching is easier and more accurate if this convention is followed.

Example operator list file content:

  - name: kubevirt-hyperconverged
    start_version: 2.5.5
  - name: local-storage-operator
  - name: cluster-logging
  - name: jaeger-product
    start_version: 1.17.8
  - name: kiali-ossm
  - name: codeready-workspaces
    start_version: 2.7.0

Optional: Default: namespace

Scope of registry mirrors in imagecontentsourcepolicy file. Allowed values: namespace, registry. Defaults to: namespace


Optional Default: True

If set to True all related images will be mirrored to the registry provided by the --registry-olm argument. Otherwise images will not be mirrored. Set to false if you are using a registry proxy and don't need to mirror images locally.

Updating The Catalogue

To update the catalogue,run the script the same way you did the first time. As of OCP 4.6 you no longer have to increment the version of the catalog. The catalog will query for a newer version of the image used every 10 minutes (by default).

Script Notes

Unfortunately just because an image is listed in the related images spec doesn't mean it exists or is even used by the operator. for example from the logging operator. I have put that image in the knownBadImages file to avoid attempting to mirror. Other images will be added as I find them.

Local Docker Registry

If you need a to create a local secured registry follow the instructions from the link below