Libmacgpg-free is a drop-in-replacement for GPG Suite Libmacgpg removing the paywall.
git clone --recursive
cd Libmacgpg-free
- Install the GPG Suite.
- Build this library or download it.
- Make sure the version of your downloaded GPGTools match the version of this library (see releases)
- To replace the existing org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg:
sudo cp ./build/Release/org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg.xpc/Contents/MacOS/org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg /Library/Application\ Support/GPGTools/org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg.xpc/Contents/MacOS
sudo chmod 755 /Library/Application\ Support/GPGTools/org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg.xpc/Contents/MacOS/org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg
- After copying the file to the path:
launchctl stop org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg.xpc
launchctl start org.gpgtools.Libmacgpg.xpc
- Still trying to contact the developers for a non-profit , group discount