A set of DID resolvers in Java with minimal dependencies.
Maven dependency:
Maven dependency:
You can resolve the DID document, yields the parsed DID document:
// this populates didDocument, does not populate didDocumentBytes and contentType
var result = new WebResolver().Resolve(new URI("did:web:example.com"));
If you want the raw data as byte[]
(as specified by the DID core specification), you resolve the presentation:
// this populates didDocumentBytes and contentType, does not populate didDocument
var result = new WebResolver().ResolvePresentation(new URI("did:web:example.com"));
var data = result.getDIDDocumentBytes();
// do something with the raw data
The library supports JSON-LD documents: they will be unmarshalled, but no further JSON-LD processing will be performed.
This library's API follows W3C DID Core specification v1.0.