A Revault sandbox
Being a complete custody solution, configuring all the parts of a Revault deployment is a bit
tedious. Aquarium is a Python script re-using revaultd
functional testing framework to provide a turnkey solution to deploy a Revault setup on a regtest
The aquarium.py
script will fetch the source of the different Revault binaries
, revault-gui
, coordinatord
, cosignerd
) at a given version, compile them using
, start a (single) bitcoind
in regtest
mode, hook
into the test_framework
to write all the configuration (Bitcoin keys,
communication keys, script descriptors, connections, ..) and finally drop you in a shell with
pre-defined alias
The aquarium only runs on Unix systems for now.
Clone the aquarium
repo first:
git clone https://github.com/revault/aquarium
cd aquarium
If you don't already have bitcoind
installed, you can get it from bitcoincore.org
or compile it from the source.
The minimum supported version is 22.0
. You'll need to have an accessible bitcoind
via your
environment or to set the BITCOIND_PATH
The testing framework has a few dependencies (for key generation, DB connection and bitcoind RPC
mocking specifically). The recommended method for installing them is by using a venv
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Also, you will need to install Cargo
which you very likely already have installed if you have a Rust toolchain.
You will need a version of at least 1.43
for building revaultd
, miradord
and cosignerd
If you are going to use the GUI or coordinatord
, the latest stable version is required to build
both. You can check your version with:
cargo --version
Finally, the GUI has a few dependencies.
To deploy Revault you'll need to specify the number of Stakeholders (participants not taking
actively part in spendings but pre-signing authorizations of spending), Managers (participants
taking part in spending using the pre-signed transactions) and Stakeholders-Managers (participants
acting as both), and the Unvault timelock duration (number of blocks during which any participant
or watchtower can Cancel a spending attempt). Optionally, you can also set a threshold for the
managers (eg 2
out of the 3
managers are enough to Spend a pre-signed Unvault):
$ ./aquarium.py --help
usage: aquarium.py [-h] -stks STAKEHOLDERS -mans MANAGERS -stkmans
[-mansthresh MANAGERS_THRESHOLD] [-cosigs]
[-policy POLICIES]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Deployment configuration:
The number of only-stakeholder
-mans MANAGERS, --managers MANAGERS
The number of only-manager
The number of both stakeholder-manager
-csv TIMELOCK, --timelock TIMELOCK
The number of blocks during which an Unvault attempt
can be canceled
-mansthresh MANAGERS_THRESHOLD, --managers-threshold MANAGERS_THRESHOLD
-cosigs, --with-cosigning-servers
Enable cosigning servers to allow Spend policies at
the cost of weaker assumptions
-policy POLICIES, --spending-policy POLICIES
Enforce a spending policy on all watchtowers by
specifying a path to a watchtower plugin. Specify this
option multiple times to enable multiple policies.
Assuming you want to deploy a Revault setup with 1 Stakeholder, 1 Manager and 2
Stakeholder-Managers who can Spend with a threshold of 2
after 6
blocks (and no automated
spending policy):
./aquarium.py --stakeholders 1 --managers 1 --stakeholder-managers 2 --timelock 6 --managers-threshold 2
You will get into a shell where you can use the alias
es to start messing around (you can consult
them at any time using the alias
Available aliases:
alias bd="bitcoind -datadir='/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/bitcoind'"
alias bcli="bitcoin-cli -datadir='/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/bitcoind' -rpcwallet='revaultd-tests'"
alias stk0cli="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revaultd/target/debug/revault-cli --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stk-0/config.toml"
alias stk0d="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/test_framework/../../target/debug/revaultd --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stk-0/config.toml"
alias stk0gui='/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revault-gui/target/debug/revault-gui --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stk-0/regtest/gui_config.toml'
alias man0cli="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revaultd/target/debug/revault-cli --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-man-0/config.toml"
alias man0d="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/test_framework/../../target/debug/revaultd --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-man-0/config.toml"
alias man0gui='/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revault-gui/target/debug/revault-gui --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-man-0/regtest/gui_config.toml'
alias stkman0cli="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revaultd/target/debug/revault-cli --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stkman-0/config.toml"
alias stkman0d="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/test_framework/../../target/debug/revaultd --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stkman-0/config.toml"
alias stkman0gui='/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revault-gui/target/debug/revault-gui --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stkman-0/regtest/gui_config.toml'
alias stkman1cli="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revaultd/target/debug/revault-cli --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stkman-1/config.toml"
alias stkman1d="/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/test_framework/../../target/debug/revaultd --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stkman-1/config.toml"
alias stkman1gui='/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revault-gui/target/debug/revault-gui --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/revaultd-stkman-1/regtest/gui_config.toml'
alias hw='/home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/src/revault-gui/contrib/tools/dummysigner/target/debug/dummysigner --conf /home/darosior/projects/revault/aquarium/demo/dummysigner.toml'
Here is an example funding a new deposit using the CLI (you can also get an address using the GUI):
(Revault demo) darosior@darosior:~/projects/revault/aquarium$ stkman1cli getdepositaddress
"result": {
"address": "bcrt1qsnaqyq4lj8s4jlvafsl33fhcxgcctv2wwvluycyhxlzsg0zfeqrqxdr0t9"
So we got a deposit address. Let's send some coins to it.
(Revault demo) darosior@darosior:~/projects/revault/aquarium$ stkman1cli listvaults
"result": {
"vaults": []
(Revault demo) darosior@darosior:~/projects/revault/aquarium$ bcli sendtoaddress bcrt1qsnaqyq4lj8s4jlvafsl33fhcxgcctv2wwvluycyhxlzsg0zfeqrqxdr0t9 0.42
The daemon won't consider unconfirmed deposit (a single confirmation for aquarium's configuration, but the default is higher).
(Revault demo) darosior@darosior:~/projects/revault/aquarium$ bcli generatetoaddress 7 $(bcli getnewaddress)
(Revault demo) darosior@darosior:~/projects/revault/aquarium$ stkman1cli listvaults
"result": {
"vaults": [
"address": "bcrt1qsnaqyq4lj8s4jlvafsl33fhcxgcctv2wwvluycyhxlzsg0zfeqrqxdr0t9",
"amount": 42000000,
"blockheight": 102,
"delegated_at": null,
"derivation_index": 0,
"funded_at": 1640009724,
"moved_at": null,
"secured_at": null,
"status": "funded",
"txid": "9b617d207ee528d50cbcc94a25243a44aefa8234632f98dc1aa84ff9deba4dde",
"vout": 1
To launch the GUI for one of the participants:
stk0gui &
(redirecting stdout
here to avoid getting annoyed by the logs)
The above line will start the GUI of the first stakeholder. You can then create a vault out of
a deposit by signing the revocation transactions.
For testing purposes revault-gui
provides a dummy signer mocking the flow of signing the
transactions on a compatible hardware wallet. Because a dummy signer to manage in addition to each
participants' GUI would be too much, by default Aquarium configures a single dummy signer for all
the keys (and you can choose which keys to sign for at runtime). Start the dummy signer with the
following alias:
hw &
We'll directly sign with all the stakeholders' keys. For "The Real Revault Experience" (tm) or
testing purposes, you can sign for each stakeholder by starting each of their GUI and selecting
their key on the dummy signer.
The same goes for delegation. Let's create two new vaults, secure them and delegate only 2 out of the 3 secured vaults.
$ bcli sendtoaddress bcrt1qest4mk20cs77m7mhv9us0f0ta76lljtke25w0lqs5zqrgjp8v9uq7z2wy2 0.21
$ bcli sendtoaddress bcrt1qest4mk20cs77m7mhv9us0f0ta76lljtke25w0lqs5zqrgjp8v9uq7z2wy2 1.2
$ bcli generatetoaddress 1 $(bcli getnewaddress)
We now have 1.83
BTC under custody, with 0.63
available to managers in 2 vaults. Availability
here depends of course of hypothetical spending policy we could enforce manually or with watchtowers
(but we didn't in order to keep this walkthrough concise).
Now we can start 2 managers (remember, there are 3 managers but the threshold for spending is only of 2).
$ man0gui &
$ stkman0gui &
$ bcli getnewaddress
Thend create a Spend transaction and sign it with the first one, make the second sign and then
broadcast it.
Now let's confirm the Unvault transactions.
$ bcli generatetoaddress 1 $(bcli getnewaddress)
And back on the stakeholder's screen. We have 6 blocks to Cancel the unvaulting but choose to let it
go through.
By then mining the 6 blocks for the locktime to mature and 1 block to confirm the Spend after it was broadcast, the spending is finalized.
$ bcli generatetoaddress 6 $(bcli getnewaddress)
$ bcli generatetoaddress 1 $(bcli getnewaddress)
Running with coordinatord
By default, Aquarium will use a dummy fully in-RAM coordinator. If you are willing to use the "real" coordinator, you first need to set up a PostgreSQL backend.
The easiest way to do so is by using Docker:
docker run --rm -d -p 5432:5432 --name postgres-coordinatord -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=revault -e POSTGRES_USER=revault -e POSTGRES_DB=coordinator_db postgres:alpine
If you already have a Postgre backend set up, the script will just need credentials (and optionally
) and will take care of creating the database (and removing it at teardown).
Assuming you've set a PostgreSQL backend with credentials revault:revault
as with the Docker
example above, and you want to deploy a Revault setup with 1 Stakeholder, 1 Manager and 2
Stakeholder-Managers who can Spend with a threshold of 2
after 6
blocks (and no automated
spending policy):
POSTGRES_USER=revault POSTGRES_PASS=revault ./aquarium.py --stakeholders 1 --managers 1 --stakeholder-managers 2 --timelock 6 --managers-threshold 2
You can disable the GUI by setting the WITH_GUI
environment variable to 0
. This saves a
considerable amount of time (revault-gui
The shell you are being dropped in is set to bash
by default. This can be modified using the
environment variable, however this has only been tested with bash
. In fact, it would most
likely break at the moment with another shell as we are using --init-file
to provide alias
By default, all data directories are created in a demo
parent directory created in the current
working directory. This can be changed using the BASE_DIR
environment variable.
You can adjust the logging level using the LOG_LEVEL
environment variable. This will affect the
daemons logs and test framework verbosity.
You can set a single dummy signer for each participant and have an alias
for each by setting
See [aquarium.py
] for more environment variable. Notably, you can change the source code version
being fetched, and the directory in which repos are git clone
Contributions are very welcome, and especially for documentation that may be unclear to someone
external to the project or fixups to the aquarium.py
script for environments we haven't tested in
For code modification, please bear in mind that we want to keep the divergence between this repo's
and revaultd
's one as low as possible to reduce the maintenance burden of
maintaining this repo up-to-date. If you have a fix for the test_framework
itself, prefer proposing
it upstream to revaultd