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This module manages MySQL.  It gives you the choice MySQL
server you want to use: Oracle, MariaDB or Percona

Parameters, first one is the default:
- type : oracle|mariadb|percona
- multi: false|true
- manage_repo: do not manage repo config

Requires: camptocamp/apt rgevaert/pwgen

Sample Usages:

1) Install mariadb MySQL server:

  class {
      type => 'mariadb';

2) Install Oracle MySQL that come with the Debian
   repositories.  Setup multiple MySQL instance with

  class {
      multi => true;

      groupnr      => 1,
      bind_address => '',
      port         => 3307;
      groupnr      => 2,
      bind_address => '',
      port         => 3308;
      groupnr      => 3,
      bind_address => '',
      port         => 3309,
      ensure       => 'stopped';

3) Change a setting in your MySQL configuration.  

  mysql::config::param {
      section => 'mysqld',
      value   => '';

  mysql::config::param {
      section => 'mysqld1',
      param   => 'bind-address',
      value   => '';