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A package manager wrapper for Pacstall, APT, Flatpak and snap.
USAGE: rhino-pkg [function] {flag} <input>
install: Install package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
remove: Uninstall package(s) - Prompts user to respond with
the number(s) associated with the desired package(s).
search: Search for package(s) - Does not have a second prompt.
update: Updates all packages accessible to the wrapper - does
not accept <input>, instead use install to update
individual packages. Has a confirmation prompt.
cleanup: Attempts to repair broken dependencies and remove any
unused packages. Does not accept <input>, but has
a confirmation prompt.
--help/-h: Display this page
--description/-d: By default, rhino-pkg will only display packages
that contain <input> within their name. Use this flag to increase
range and display packages with <input> in their description.
-y: Makes functions with confirmation prompts run promptless.
Provide a package name or description.
Example execution:
$ rhino-pkg install foobar
Found packages matching 'foobar':
[0]: pyfoobar (apt)
[1]: foobarshell (apt)
[2]: foobar (flatpak)
[3]: foobar-web (snap)
[4]: foobar-bin (pacstall)
[5]: foobar-theme (pacstall)
Select which package to install [0-5]: 3 4 5
Selecting 'foobar-web' from package manager 'snap'
Selecting 'foobar-bin' from package manager 'pacstall'
Selecting 'foobar-theme' from package manager 'pacstall'
Are you sure? (y/N)
- Work on translations into languages not finished yet by either editing the
file, making a new one by runningcp po/rhino-pkg.pot po/<language_code>.po
, or using weblate ( Once you have completed or partially completed a po file, make a PR and we will merge it! Our goal is to have as many languages translated as possible due to the amount of people who may not be fluent in English.