Document a bug where lxml 3.6.0 fails to process a textnode in a xsl:message element when it start with a newline. xsltproc does not exhibit this behavior.
create style sheets with xsltproc.
xsltproc lib/message.xsl rule04E_complete.sch > rule04E.xsl
Calling from xsltproc yields the expected result:
xsltproc rule04E.xsl testdata/rule4_test1_idp_missing_key.xml
ERROR Error (04): Each IDPSSODescriptor must contain a signing key as X509Certificate (child element of X509Data) XPATH: /md:EntityDescriptor[1] /md:IDPSSODescriptor[1] validation rule: (md:KeyDescriptor[@use='signing' or not(@use)]/ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate) Error (04): Each IDPSSODescriptor must contain a signing key as X509Certificate (child element of X509Data) XPATH: /md:EntityDescriptor[1] /md:IDPSSODescriptor[1] validation rule: (md:KeyDescriptor[@use='signing' or not(@use)]/ds:KeyInfo/ds:X509Data/ds:X509Certificate)
Calling from lxml yields "unknown error", but is OK if the newline before the textnode is removed
perl -pe "chomp if /axsl:message/" rule04E.xsl > rule04E_OK.xsl python