My first arduino project on making the TCS34725 RGB color sensor output more accurate RGB values. This repository contains three folders: src, scripts, and data. Prediction can be done by directly by uploading main.cpp directly.
Data was collected from sensor facing the monitor screen. Raw sensor values (R,G,B) were divided by the integration time and multiplied by a factor (1000). Such formulation allows to take into account the absolute brightness, in contrast to when normalizing by the CLEAR value, which only gives the relative brightness. The file scripts/ can be edited to record the values into data/test.csv.
Lasso model was used fit the parameters (refer to scripts/ The obtained R^2 score was 0.9887 and the mean squared error was 79.4348. The model works good, but is not perfect; it may output values less than 0 and above 255. In the implementation, the prediction values were clipped to be within [0, 255].