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rockofox committed May 3, 2024
1 parent 3fa6f3c commit 4f21b71
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Showing 11 changed files with 309 additions and 119 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,3 +27,4 @@ cabal.project.local~
44 changes: 24 additions & 20 deletions app/Main.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ data CmdOptions = Options
, breakpoints :: Maybe String
, showTime :: Bool
, showVersion :: Bool
, noVerify :: Bool

optionsParser :: Options.Applicative.Parser CmdOptions
Expand All @@ -67,6 +68,7 @@ optionsParser =
<*> optional (strOption (long "breakpoints" <> short 't' <> help "Breakpoints for the VM to trace (space separated list of program counter indices). -1 to trace on every instruction"))
<*> switch (long "profile" <> short 'p' <> help "Show time spent parsing, compiling and running")
<*> switch (long "version" <> short 'V' <> help "Show version")
<*> switch (long "no-verify" <> short 'n' <> help "Don't verify the program")

prettyPrintExpr :: Expr -> Int -> String
prettyPrintExpr (DoBlock exprs) i = indent i ++ "DoBlock[\n" ++ intercalate "\n" (map (\x -> prettyPrintExpr x (i + 1)) exprs) ++ "\n" ++ indent i ++ "]"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -97,25 +99,29 @@ inputFileBinary input = case input of
potentiallyTimedOperation :: (MonadIO m) => String -> Bool -> m a -> m a
potentiallyTimedOperation msg showTime action = if showTime then timeItNamed msg action else action

parseAndVerify :: String -> T.Text -> CompilerFlags -> IO (Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text Void, Maybe Program) Program)
parseAndVerify name t cf = do
-- let (result, state) = runIdentity $ runStateT (parseProgramCf' t initCompilerFlags) (ParserState{compilerFlags = cf, validLets = [], validFunctions = []})
let result = parseProgram t cf
parseAndVerify name input compilerFlags =
( do
let result = parseProgram (T.pack input) initCompilerFlags
case result of
Left err -> return $ Left (err, Nothing)
Right program' -> do
let (Program exprs) = program'
verifierResult <- verifyProgram name (T.pack input) exprs
case verifierResult of
Left err -> return $ Left (err, Just program')
Right _ -> return $ Right program'

parseNoVerify name input compilerFlags = return $ do
let result = parseProgram (T.pack input) initCompilerFlags
case result of
Left err -> return $ Left (err, Nothing)
Right program' -> do
let (Program exprs) = program'
verifierResult <- verifyProgram name t exprs
case verifierResult of
Left err -> return $ Left (err, Just program')
Right _ -> return $ Right program'

-- parse :: String -> String -> CompilerFlags -> IO (Either (ParseErrorBundle T.Text Data.Void.Void) (Program))
parse name input compilerFlags = return $ parseAndVerify name (T.pack input) initCompilerFlags
Right program' -> return $ Right program'

main :: IO ()
main = do
Options input output debug verbose emitBytecode runBytecode breakpoints showTime showVersion <-
Options input output debug verbose emitBytecode runBytecode breakpoints showTime showVersion noVerify <-
execParser $
(optionsParser <**> helper)
Expand All @@ -127,18 +133,16 @@ main = do
putStrLn $ "Indigo, version " ++ version
when (isNothing input) $ do
-- runStateT repl initREPLState
program <-
if not runBytecode
then do
i <- inputFile input
-- prog <- liftIO $ potentiallyTimedOperation "Parsing" showTime (parse (fromJust input) i CompilerFlags{verboseMode = verbose})
-- let expr = case prog of
-- Left err -> error $ "Parse error: " ++ errorBundlePretty err
-- Right expr -> expr
prog <- parse (fromJust input) i CompilerFlags{verboseMode = verbose}
prog <-
if noVerify
then parseNoVerify (fromJust input) i CompilerFlags{verboseMode = verbose}
else parseAndVerify (fromJust input) i CompilerFlags{verboseMode = verbose}
rprog <- prog
expr <- case rprog of
Left (err, expr) -> do
Expand Down
68 changes: 38 additions & 30 deletions examples/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,33 +1,41 @@
# let split ([]: String sep: String) => [String] = [""]
# let split ((c:cs): String sep: String) => [String] = do
# let rest = split cs, sep
# if c == sep then do
# "" : (split cs, sep)
# else do
# (c : (head rest)) : (tail rest)
# end
# # let split ([]: String sep: String) => [String] = [""]
# # let split ((c:cs): String sep: String) => [String] = do
# # let rest = split cs, sep
# # if c == sep then do
# # "" : (split cs, sep)
# # else do
# # (c : (head rest)) : (tail rest)
# # end
# # end
# trait Number
# impl Number for Int
# impl Number for Float
# # let add<N: Number> (a: N b: N) => N = a + b
# let split<T> ([]: [T] sep: T) => [T] = [""]
# let printNumList<N: Number> (l: [N] n: N) => IO = do
# end
trait Number
impl Number for Int
impl Number for Float

let add<N: Number> (a: N b: N) => N = a + b

let split<T> ([]: [T] sep: T) => [T] = [""]

let printNumList<N: Number> (l: [N] n: N) => IO = do


let xxx (a: Int) => Int = a

# let test (a: A b: B) => C = do
# let xxx (a: Int) => Int = a
# struct Child = (name: String, age: Int) satisfies (it.age < 18)
# let a+ (a: Int b: Int) => Int = a
# let main => IO = do
# println 1 a+ 2
# # println Child {name: "John", age: 13}
# # println Child {name: "Abram", age: 20}
# end

let main => IO = do
println xxx (add 1,2)
# println add 1.0, 10
# println split [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3
# printNumList [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 3
# println "Hello, world!"
# `+` :: Int -> Int -> Int
# struct Cat = (name: String, age: Int)
# # let + (a: Cat b: Cat) => Cat = Cat {name: :, age: a.age + b.age}
# # let add (a: Int b: Int) => Int = a + b
# # let add (a: Float b: Float) => Float = a - b
# add :: Int -> Int -> Int
# add a b = a + b
# let main => IO = println add 3.0, 4.0
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/AST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ typeOf (Var{}) = Any -- error "Cannot infer type of variable"
typeOf (Let _ _) = error "Cannot infer type of let"
typeOf (If _ b _) = typeOf b
typeOf (FuncDef{}) = error "Cannot infer type of function definition"
typeOf (FuncDec{}) = error "Cannot infer type of function declaration"
typeOf x@(FuncDec{}) = error $ "Cannot infer type of function declaration " ++ show x
typeOf (Function _ _) = error "Cannot infer type of modern function"
typeOf (DoBlock x) = if null x then None else typeOf $ last x
typeOf (ExternDec{}) = error "Cannot infer type of extern declaration"
Expand Down
55 changes: 36 additions & 19 deletions lib/BytecodeCompiler.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -89,13 +89,16 @@ allocId = do
modify (\s' -> s'{lastLabel = s + 1})
return s

preludeExpr :: IO [Parser.Expr]
preludeExpr = do
i <- liftIO preludeFile
case parseProgram (T.pack i) CompilerFlags{verboseMode = False, needsMain = False} of -- FIXME: pass on flags
Left err -> error $ "Parse error: " ++ errorBundlePretty err
Right (Parser.Program progExpr) -> return $ progExpr ++ [Parser.FuncDef "__sep" [] Parser.Placeholder]

compileProgram :: Parser.Program -> StateT (CompilerState a) IO [Instruction]
compileProgram (Parser.Program expr) = do
prelude <- do
i <- liftIO preludeFile
case parseProgram (T.pack i) CompilerFlags{verboseMode = False, needsMain = False} of -- FIXME: pass on flags
Left err -> error $ "Parse error: " ++ errorBundlePretty err
Right (Parser.Program progExpr) -> return $ progExpr ++ [Parser.FuncDef "__sep" [] Parser.Placeholder]
prelude <- liftIO preludeExpr
prelude' <- concatMapM compileExpr prelude
freePart <- concatMapM compileExpr expr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,27 +221,41 @@ implsFor structName = do
return $ map Parser.trait impls''

compileExpr :: Parser.Expr -> StateT (CompilerState a) IO [Instruction]
compileExpr (Parser.Add x y) = doBinOp x y Add
compileExpr (Parser.Sub x y) = doBinOp x y Sub
compileExpr (Parser.Mul x y) = doBinOp x y Mul
compileExpr (Parser.Div x y) = doBinOp x y Div
compileExpr (Parser.Modulo x y) = doBinOp x y Mod
compileExpr (Parser.Power x y) = doBinOp x y Pow
compileExpr (Parser.Gt x y) = doBinOp x y Gt
compileExpr (Parser.Lt x y) = doBinOp x y Lt
compileExpr (Parser.Ge x y) = doBinOp x y Lt >>= \x' -> return (x' ++ [Not])
compileExpr (Parser.Le x y) = doBinOp x y Gt >>= \x' -> return (x' ++ [Not])
compileExpr (Parser.Add x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "+" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Sub x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "-" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Mul x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "*" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Div x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "/" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Modulo x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "%" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Power x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "^" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Gt x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall ">" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Lt x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "<" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Ge x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall ">=" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Le x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "<=" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Not x) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> return (x' ++ [Not])
compileExpr (Parser.Eq x y) = doBinOp x y Eq
compileExpr (Parser.Neq x y) = doBinOp x y Eq >>= \x' -> return (x' ++ [Not])
compileExpr (Parser.And x y) = doBinOp x y And
compileExpr (Parser.Or x y) = doBinOp x y Or
compileExpr (Parser.Eq x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "==" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Neq x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "!=" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.And x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "&&" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.Or x y) = compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "||" [x, y] zeroPosition) >>= doBinOp x y . last
compileExpr (Parser.IntLit x) = return [Push $ DInt $ fromIntegral x]
compileExpr (Parser.UnaryMinus (Parser.FloatLit x)) = return [Push $ DFloat (-x)]
compileExpr (Parser.UnaryMinus (Parser.IntLit x)) = return [Push $ DInt $ -fromInteger x]
compileExpr (Parser.StringLit x) = return [Push $ DString x]
compileExpr (Parser.DoBlock exprs) = concatMapM compileExpr exprs
compileExpr Parser.Placeholder = return []
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeAdd" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Add])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeSub" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Sub])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeMul" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Mul])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeDiv" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Div])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeMod" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Mod])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafePow" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Pow])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeGt" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Gt])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeLt" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Lt])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeGe" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Lt, Not])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeLe" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Gt, Not])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeEq" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Eq])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeNeq" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Eq, Not])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeAnd" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [And])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeOr" [x, y] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> compileExpr y >>= \y' -> return (x' ++ y' ++ [Or])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafePrint" [x] _) = compileExpr x >>= \x' -> return (x' ++ [Builtin Print])
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeGetLine" _ _) = return [Builtin GetLine]
compileExpr (Parser.FuncCall "unsafeGetChar" _ _) = return [Builtin GetChar]
Expand Down
25 changes: 17 additions & 8 deletions lib/Parser.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ module Parser (Expr (..), Program (..), parseProgram', parseProgramPure, ParserS
-- module Parser where

import AST
import Control.Applicative.Combinators (someTill)
import Control.Monad qualified
import Control.Monad.Combinators
( between
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
import Text.Megaparsec.Debug (dbg)
import Text.ParserCombinators.ReadP (many1)

data CompilerFlags = CompilerFlags
{ verboseMode :: Bool
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,11 +98,16 @@ binOpTable =
, [binary "==" Eq, binary "!=" Neq, binary "<=" Le, binary ">=" Ge, binary "<" Lt, binary ">" Gt]
, [binary "&&" And, binary "||" Or]
, [binaryAny binaryFunctionCall]
-- , [prefixAny pFunctionCall]
-- , [postfixAny pFunctionCall]

binaryFunctionCall :: String -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr
binaryFunctionCall f a b = FuncCall f [a, b] anyPosition

pFunctionCall :: String -> Expr -> Expr
pFunctionCall f a = FuncCall f [a] anyPosition

binary :: Text -> (Expr -> Expr -> Expr) -> Operator Parser Expr
binary name f = InfixL (f <$ symbol name)

Expand All @@ -114,6 +121,12 @@ prefix, postfix :: Text -> (Expr -> Expr) -> Operator Parser Expr
prefix name f = Prefix (f <$ symbol name)
postfix name f = Postfix (f <$ symbol name)

prefixAny :: (String -> Expr -> Expr) -> Operator Parser Expr
prefixAny f = Prefix (f <$> identifier)

postfixAny :: (String -> Expr -> Expr) -> Operator Parser Expr
postfixAny f = Postfix (f <$> identifier)

ref :: Parser Expr
ref = do
symbol "*"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -162,7 +175,7 @@ identifier = do
then fail $ "keyword " ++ show name ++ " cannot be an identifier"
else return name
p = (:) <$> letterChar <*> many (alphaNumChar <|> char '_')
p = some (alphaNumChar <|> char '_' <|> oneOf ['+', '-', '*', '/', '=', '&', '|', '!', '?', '$', '%', '^', '~'])
check x =
if x `elem` rws
then fail $ "keyword " ++ show x ++ " cannot be an identifier"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -245,11 +258,7 @@ funcDef = do
FuncDef name args <$> expr <?> "function body"

gravis :: Parser String
gravis = do
symbol "`"
name <- many $ noneOf ['`']
symbol "`"
return name
gravis = lexeme $ char '`' *> someTill L.charLiteral (char '`')

funcCall :: Parser Expr
funcCall = do
Expand All @@ -262,7 +271,7 @@ funcCall = do
letExpr :: Parser Expr
letExpr = do
keyword "let"
name <- identifier
name <- identifier <|> gravis
symbol "="
value <- recover expr
state <- get
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,7 +317,7 @@ generic = do
combinedFunc :: Parser Expr
combinedFunc = do
keyword "let"
name <- identifier <?> "function name"
name <- identifier <|> gravis <?> "function name"
generics <- fromMaybe [] <$> optional generic
(args, argTypes) <- parens argsAndTypes <|> argsAndTypes
returnType <- optional (symbol "=>" >> validType <?> "return type")
Expand Down

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