- Diaper Changes.
- Weight, Height and Head Measurements.
- Feeds - Bottle and Breast Feeding.
- Exporting Data via Email - Needs to be background processed.
- Graphing : Feeds Remaining - some issues still
- Create Baby Profile
- Milestones : - Save Pictures
- Tutorial screen
- Transparent Toolbar - migrate to toolbar from actionbar
- Sleep Tracking
- The app launch site is thebabyapp.com - build on bootstrap theme I purchased from wrapbootstrap (not sharing that code due to license issues)
- Uses Parse.com to store files, and objects. Look at the my gists for cloud code.
- Add Links to Privacy, Terms and Conditions on the Login Page.
- US Vaccination Schedule
- Timers for breast feeding and sleep.
- Adding Multiple Baby Tracking.
- Web component for the application.
- Equivalent IOS Application.
- Reminders