For the really impatient, you can try to run the code in the teaser image above. If this works, a window should open on your desktop with a red color in the background. If you now want to understand how this works, you'll have to read the text below.
The main difficulty for newcomers in programming modern OpenGL is that it requires to understand a lot of different concepts at once and then, to perform a lot of operations before rendering anything on screen. This complexity implies that there are many places where your code can be wrong, both at the conceptual and code level. To illustrate this difficulty, we'll program our first OpenGL program using the raw interface and our goal is to display a simple colored quad (i.e. a red square).

Before even diving into actual code, it is important to understand first how OpenGL handles coordinates. More precisely, OpenGL considers only coordinates (x,y,z) that fall into the space where -1 ≤ x,y,z ≤ +1. Any coordinates that are outside this range will be discarded or clipped (i.e. won't be visible on screen). This is called Normalized Device Coordinates, or NDC for short. This is something you cannot change because it is part of the OpenGL API and implemented in your hardware (GPU). Consequently, even if you intend to render the whole universe, you'll have ultimately to fit it into this small volume.
The second important fact to know is that x coordinates increase from left to right and y coordinates increase from bottom to top. For this latter one, it is noticeably different from the usual convention and this might induce some problems, especially when you're dealing with the mouse pointer whose y coordinate goes the other way around.
Triangulation of a surface means to find a set of triangles, which covers a given surface. This can be a tedious process but fortunately, there exist many different methods and algorithms to perform such triangulation automatically for any 2D or 3D surface. The quality of the triangulation is measured in terms of the closeness to the approximated surface, the number of triangles necessary (the smaller, the better) and the homogeneity of the triangles (we prefer to have triangles that have more or less the same size and to not have any degenerated triangle).
In our case, we want to render a square and we need to find the proper triangulation (which is not unique as illustrated in the figure). Since we want to minimize the number of triangles, we'll use the 2 triangles solution that requires only 4 (shared) vertices corresponding to the four corners of the quad. However, you can see from the figure that we could have used different triangulations using more vertices, and later in this book we will just do that (but for a reason).
Considering the NDC, our quad will thus be composed of two triangles:
- One triangle described by vertices (-1,+1), (+1,+1), (-1,-1)
- One triangle described by vertices (+1,+1), (-1,-1), (+1,-1)
Here we can see that vertices (-1,-1) and (+1,+1) are common to both triangles. So instead of using 6 vertices to describe the two triangles, we can re-use the common vertices to describe the whole quad. Let's name them:
- V₀: (-1,+1)
- V₁: (+1,+1)
- V₂: (-1,-1)
- V₃: (+1,-1)
Our quad can now be using triangle (V₀,V₁,V₂) and triangle (V₁,V₂,V₃). This is exactly what we need to tell OpenGL.
Ok, now things are getting serious because we need to actually tell OpenGL what to do with the vertices, i.e. how to render them? What do they describe in terms of geometrical primitives? This is quite an important topic since this will determine how fragments will actually be generated as illustrated in the image below:
Mostly, OpenGL knows how to draw (ugly) points, (ugly) lines and (ugly) triangles. For lines and triangles, there exist some variations depending if you want to specify very precisely what to draw or if you can take advantage of some implicit assumptions. Let's consider lines first for example. Given a set of four vertices (V₀,V₁,V₂,V₃), you migh want to draw segments (V₀,V₁)``(V₂,V₃) using GL_LINES or a broken line (V₀,V₁,V₂,V₃) using GL_LINE_STRIP or a closed broken line (V₀,V₁,V₂,V₃,V₀,) using GL_LINE_LOOP. For triangles, you have the choices of specifying each triangle individually using GL_TRIANGLES or you can tell OpenGL that triangles follow an implicit structure using GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. For example, considering a set of vertices (Vᵢ), GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP will produce triangles (Vᵢ,Vᵢ₊₁,Vᵢ₊₂). There exist other primitives but we won't used them in this book because they're mainly related to geometry shaders that are not introduced.
If you remember the previous section where we explained that our quad can be described using triangle (V₀,V₁,V₂) and triangle (V₁,V₂,V₃), you can now realize that we can take advantage or the GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP primitive because we took care of describing the two triangles following this implicit structure.
The choice of the triangle as the only surface primitive is not an arbitrary choice, because a triangle offers the possibility of having a nice and intuitive interpolation of any point that is inside the triangle. If you look back at the graphic pipeline as it has been introduced in the `Modern OpenGL`_ section, you can see that the rasterisation requires for OpenGL to generate fragments inside the triangle but also to interpolate values (colors in the figure). One of the legitimate questions to be solved is then: if I have a triangle (V₁,V₂,V₃), each summit vertex having (for example) a different color, what is the color of a fragment p inside the triangle? The answer is barycentric interpolation as illustrated in the figure on the right.
More precisely, for any point p inside a triangle A = (V₁,V₂,V₃), we consider triangles:
- A₁ = (P,V₂,V₃)
- A₂ = (P,V₁,V₃)
- A₃ = (P,V₁,V₂)
And we can define (using area of triangles):
- 𝛌₁ = A₁/A
- 𝛌₂ = A₂/A
- 𝛌₃ = A₃/A
Now, if we attach a value f₁ to vertex V₁, f₂ to vertex V₂ and f₃ to vertex V₃, the interpolated value f of p is given by: f = 𝛌₁f₁ + 𝛌₂f₂ + 𝛌₃f₃ You can check by yourself that if the point p is on a border of the triangle, the resulting interpolated value f is the linear interpolation of the two vertices defining the segment the point p belongs to.
This barycentric interpolation is important to understand even if it is done automatically by OpenGL (with some variation to take projection into account). We took the example of colors, but the same interpolation scheme holds true for any value you pass from the vertex shader to the fragment shader. And this property will be used and abused in this book.
Having reviewed some important OpenGL concepts, it's time to code our quad example. But, before even using OpenGL, we need to open a window with a valid GL context. This can be done using a toolkit such as Gtk, Qt or Wx or any native toolkit (Windows, Linux, OSX). Unfortunately, the Tk Python interface does not allow to create a GL context and we cannot use it. Note there also exists dedicated toolkits such as GLFW or GLUT and the advantage of GLUT is that it's already installed alongside OpenGL. Even if it is now deprecated, we'll use GLUT since it's a very lightweight toolkit and does not require any extra package. Here is a minimal setup that should open a window with a black background.
import OpenGL.GL as gl
import OpenGL.GLUT as glut
window = None
def display():
def reshape(width, height):
gl.glViewport(0, 0, width, height)
def keyboard(key, x, y):
if key == b'\x1b':
if __name__ == '__main__':
glut.glutInitDisplayMode(glut.GLUT_DOUBLE | glut.GLUT_RGBA)
window = glut.glutCreateWindow('Hello World')
glut.glutReshapeWindow(512, 512)
You won't have access to any GL command before the glutInit() has been executed because no OpenGL context will be available before this command is executed.
The glutInitDisplayMode tells OpenGL what are the GL context properties. At this stage, we only need a swap buffer (we draw on one buffer while the other is displayed) and we use a full RGBA 32 bits color buffer (8 bits per channel). The reshape callback informs OpenGL of the new window size while the display method tells OpenGL what to do when a redraw is needed. In this simple case, we just ask OpenGL to swap buffers (this avoids flickering). Finally, the keyboard callback allows us to exit by pressing the Escape key.
Now that your window has been created, we can start writing our program, that is, we need to write a vertex and a fragment shader. For the vertex shader, the code is very simple because we took care of using the normalized device coordinates to describe our quad in the previous section. This means vertices do not need to be transformed. Nonetheless, we have to take care of sending 4D coordinates even though we'll transmit only 2D coordinates (x,y) or the final result will be undefined. For coordinate z we'll just set it to 0.0 (but any value would do) and for coordinate w, we set it to 1.0 (see section `Basic Mathematics`_ for the explanation). Note also the (commented) alternative ways of writing the shader.
attribute vec2 position;
void main()
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
// or gl_Position.xyzw = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
// or gl_Position.xy = position;
// gl_Position.zw = vec2(0.0, 1.0);
// or gl_Position.x = position.x;
// gl_Position.y = position.y;
// gl_Position.z = 0.0;
// gl_Position.w = 1.0;
For the fragment shader, it is even simpler. We set the color to red which is described by the tuple (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0) in normalized RGBA notation. 1.0 for alpha channel means fully opaque.
void main()
gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// or gl_FragColor.rgba = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// or gl_FragColor.rgb = vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
// gl_FragColor.a = 1.0;
We wrote our shader and we need now to build a program that will link the vertex and the fragment shader together. Building such program is relatively straightforward (provided we do not check for errors). First we need to request program and shader slots from the GPU:
program = gl.glCreateProgram()
vertex = gl.glCreateShader(gl.GL_VERTEX_SHADER)
fragment = gl.glCreateShader(gl.GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER)
We can now ask for the compilation of our shaders into GPU objects and we log for any error from the compiler (e.g. syntax error, undefined variables, etc):
vertex_code = """
attribute vec2 position;
void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); } """
fragment_code = """
void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); } """
# Set shaders source
gl.glShaderSource(vertex, vertex_code)
gl.glShaderSource(fragment, fragment_code)
# Compile shaders
if not gl.glGetShaderiv(vertex, gl.GL_COMPILE_STATUS):
error = gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(vertex).decode()
raise RuntimeError("Vertex shader compilation error")
if not gl.glGetShaderiv(fragment, gl.GL_COMPILE_STATUS):
error = gl.glGetShaderInfoLog(fragment).decode()
raise RuntimeError("Fragment shader compilation error")
Then we link our two objects in into a program and again, we check for errors during the process.
gl.glAttachShader(program, vertex)
gl.glAttachShader(program, fragment)
if not gl.glGetProgramiv(program, gl.GL_LINK_STATUS):
raise RuntimeError('Linking error')
and we can get rid of the shaders, they won't be used again (you can think of them as .o files in C).
gl.glDetachShader(program, vertex)
gl.glDetachShader(program, fragment)
Finally, we make program the default program to be ran. We can do it now because we'll use a single program in this example:
Next, we need to build CPU data and the corresponding GPU buffer that will hold a copy of the CPU data (GPU cannot access CPU memory). In Python, things are greatly facilitated by NumPy that allows to have a precise control over number representations. This is important because GLES 2.0 floats have to be exactly 32 bits long and a regular Python float would not work (they are actually equivalent to a C double). So let us specify a NumPy array holding 4×2 32-bits float that will correspond to our 4×(x,y) vertices:
# Build data
data = np.zeros((4,2), dtype=np.float32)
We then create a placeholder on the GPU without yet specifying the size:
# Request a buffer slot from GPU
buffer = gl.glGenBuffers(1)
# Make this buffer the default one
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)
We now need to bind the buffer to the program, that is, for each attribute present in the vertex shader program, we need to tell OpenGL where to find the corresponding data (i.e. GPU buffer) and this requires some computations. More precisely, we need to tell the GPU how to read the buffer in order to bind each value to the relevant attribute. To do this, GPU needs to know what is the stride between 2 consecutive elements and what is the offset to read one attribute:
1ˢᵗ vertex 2ⁿᵈ vertex 3ʳᵈ vertex …
│ X │ Y │ X │ Y │ X │ Y │ …
offset 0 → │ (x,y) └───────────┘
In our simple quad scenario, this is relatively easy to write because we have a single attribute ("position"). We first require the attribute location inside the program and then we bind the buffer with the relevant offset.
stride = data.strides[0]
offset = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
loc = gl.glGetAttribLocation(program, "position")
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, False, stride, offset)
We're basically telling the program how to bind data to the relevant attribute. This is made by providing the stride of the array (how many bytes between each record) and the offset of a given attribute.
Let's now fill our CPU data and upload it to the newly created GPU buffer:
# Assign CPU data
data[...] = (-1,+1), (+1,+1), (-1,-1), (+1,-1)
# Upload CPU data to GPU buffer
gl.glBufferData(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, data.nbytes, data, gl.GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW)
We're done, we can now rewrite the display function:
def display():
gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)
The 0,4 arguments in the glDrawArrays tells OpenGL we want to display 4 vertices from our current active buffer and we start at vertex 0. You should obtain the figure on the right with the same red (boring) color. The whole source ia available from code/chapter-03/glut-quad-solid.py.
All these operations are necessary for displaying a single colored quad on screen and complexity can escalate pretty badly if you add more objects, projections, lighting, texture, etc. This is the reason why we'll stop using the raw OpenGL interface in favor of a library. We'll use the glumpy_ library, mostly because I wrote it, but also because it offers a tight integration with numpy. Of course, you can design your own library to ease the writing of GL Python applications.
In the previous example, we hard-coded the red color inside the fragment shader source code. But what if we want to change the color from within the Python program? We could rebuild the program with the new color but that would not be very efficient. Fortunately there is a simple solution provided by OpenGL: uniform. Uniforms, unlike attributes, do not change from one vertex to the other and this is precisely what we need in our case. We thus need to slightly modify our fragment shader to use this uniform color:
uniform vec4 color;
void main()
gl_FragColor = color;
Of course, we also need to upload a color to this new uniform location and this is easier than for attribute because the memory has already been allocated on the GPU (since the size is know and does not depend on the number of vertices).
loc = gl.glGetUniformLocation(program, "color")
gl.glUniform4f(loc, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
If you run the new code/glut-quad-uniform-color.py example, you should obtain the blue quad as shown on the right.
Until now, we have been using a constant color for the four vertices of our quad and the result is (unsurprisingly) a boring uniform red or blue quad. We can make it a bit more interesting though by assigning different colors to each vertex and see how OpenGL will interpolate colors. Our new vertex shader would need to be rewritten as:
attribute vec2 position;
attribute vec4 color;
varying vec4 v_color;
void main()
gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0);
v_color= color;
We just added our new attribute color but we also added a new variable type: varying. This type is actually used to transmit a value from the vertex shader to the fragment shader. As you might have guessed, the varying type means this value won't be constant over the different fragments but will be interpolated depending on the relative position of the fragment in the triangle, as I explained in the Interpolation section. Note that we also have to rewrite our fragment shader accordingly, but now the v_color will be an input:
varying vec4 v_color;
void main()
gl_FragColor = v_color;
We now need to upload vertex color to the GPU. We could create a new vertex dedicated buffer and bind it to the new color attribute, but there is a more interesting solution. We'll use instead a single numpy array and a single buffer, taking advantage of the NumPy structured array:
data = np.zeros(4, [("position", np.float32, 2),
("color", np.float32, 4)])
data['position'] = (-1,+1), (+1,+1), (-1,-1), (+1,-1)
data['color'] = (0,1,0,1), (1,1,0,1), (1,0,0,1), (0,0,1,1)
Our CPU data structure is thus:
1ˢᵗ vertex 2ⁿᵈ vertex
│ X │ Y │ R │ G │ B │ A │ X │ Y │ R │ G │ B │ A │ …
↑ ↑ └───────────────────────┘
position color stride
offset offset
Binding the buffer is now a bit more complicated but it is made relatively easy thanks to NumPy:
stride = data.strides[0]
offset = ctypes.c_void_p(0)
loc = gl.glGetAttribLocation(program, "position")
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 2, gl.GL_FLOAT, False, stride, offset)
offset = ctypes.c_void_p(data.dtype["position"].itemsize)
loc = gl.glGetAttribLocation(program, "color")
gl.glBindBuffer(gl.GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)
gl.glVertexAttribPointer(loc, 4, gl.GL_FLOAT, False, stride, offset)
As we've seen in the previous section, displaying a simple quad using modern GL is quite tedious and requires a fair number of operations and this is why, from now on, we'll use glumpy_ whose goal is to make this process both easy and intuitive.
Glumpy is organized around three main modules:
- The Application layer (app) package is responsible for opening a window and handling user events such as mouse and keyboard interactions.
- The OpenGL object oriented layer (gloo) package is responsible for handling shader programs and syncing CPU/GPU data through the numpy interface.
- The Graphic layer (graphics) package provides higher-level common objects such as text, collections and widgets.
Those modules will help us writing any OpenGL program quite easily. Let's consider again our quad example:
Glumpy will look for any available backend in a given order, starting by GLFW. I strongly advise to install the GLFW package on your system since this backend is activately maintainted and "just works".
We still need to open a window, but now this is straightforward:
from glumpy import app, gloo, gl
# Create a window with a valid GL context
window = app.Window()
If necessary, you can also indicate which backend to use by writing app.use("glfw") before creating the window. The creation of the program is also straightforward:
# Build the program and corresponding buffers (with 4 vertices)
quad = gloo.Program(vertex, fragment, count=4)
With the above line, both the CPU data and GPU data (buffer) have been created and no extra command is necessary at this stage and uploading the data is only a matter of setting the different fields of the quad program:
# Upload data into GPU
quad['position'] = (-1,+1), (+1,+1), (-1,-1), (+1,-1)
Under the hood, glumpy has parsed your shader programs and has identified attributes. Rendering is just a matter of calling the draw method from our shader program, using the proper mode.
# Tell glumpy what needs to be done at each redraw
def on_draw(dt):
# Run the app
The whole source is available in code/chapter-03/glumpy-quad-solid.py.
If you run this program using the --debug switch, you should obtain the following output that shows what is being done in the background. More specifically, you can check that the program is actually compiled and linked using the specified shaders and that the buffer is created and bound to the program.
[i] HiDPI detected, fixing window size
[i] Using GLFW (GL 2.1)
[i] Running at 60 frames/second
GPU: Creating program
GPU: Attaching shaders to program
GPU: Creating shader
GPU: Compiling shader
GPU: Creating shader
GPU: Compiling shader
GPU: Linking program
GPU: Activating program (id=1)
GPU: Activating buffer (id=7)
GPU: Creating buffer (id=7)
GPU: Updating position
GPU: Deactivating buffer (id=7)
GPU: Deactivating program (id=1)
Adding a uniform specified color is only a matter of modifying the fragment shader as in the previous section and directly assigning the color to the quad program (see code/chapter-03/glumpy-quad-uniform-color.py):
quad["color"] = 0,0,1,1
Adding a per-vertex color is also only a matter of modifying the fragment shader as in the previous section and directly assigning the color to the quad program (see code/chapter-03/glumpy-quad-varying-color.py):
quad["color"] = (1,1,0,1), (1,0,0,1), (0,0,1,1), (0,1,0,1)
Now we can play a bit with the shader and hopefully you'll understand why learning to program the dynamic graphic pipeline is worth the effort. Modifying the rendering is now a matter of writing the proper shader. We'll get a first taste in the three exercises below but we'll see much more powerful shader tricks in the next chapters.
Scaling the quad We've been using previously a uniform to pass a color to the fragment shader, but we could have used also in the vertex shader to pass any kind of information. In this exercise, try to modify the vertex shader in the varying color example in order for the quad to be animated and to scale with time as shown in the figure on the right. You will need to update the scale factor within the Python program, for example in the draw function.
Solution: code/chapter-03/quad-scale.py
Rotating the quad Let's now rotate the quad as in the figure on the right. Note that you have access to the cos and sin functions from within the shader. If you forgot your geometry, here is a quick reminder for a rotation of angle theta around the origin (0,0) for a point (x,y):
float x2 = cos(theta)*x - sin(theta)*y;
float y2 = sin(theta)*x + cos(theta)*y;
Solution: code/chapter-03/quad-rotation.py