Benchmarking suite for comparing embedded optimization and MPC software
To run the chain-of-masses example from MATLAB, follow these steps:
- IPOPT: add the CasADi root folder to the path
- FalcOpt: add the FalcOpt root folder and the CasADi root folder to the path
- VIATOC: compile 'viatoc.cpp' and run, copy 'make_viatoc.m', 'viatoc_run_sim.slx', and 'NMPCProblem_S_wrapper.cpp' to the '_viatoc' folder and run 'make_viatoc'. Warning: the autogenerated 'NMPCProblem_S_wrapper.cpp' is wrong, use the one mentioned above.
- ACADO: run 'make.m' in 'ACADOToolkit/interfaces/matlab', this automatically adds ACADO to your path
- GRAMPC: add 'GRAMPC/matlab/mfiles' to your path
- acados: make sure '+acados' and the acados libraries are in your path, as well as CasADi
To replicate plots:
- run 'plot_results.m'.