Imports photos and videos.
- Imports media (photos & Videos) to Year/Month/Date directory structure in the target location, according to the media's meta-data (EXIF tags)
- Only imports media with proper meta-data tags. Skips otherwise.
- Works fine for JPEG Photos, AVI and QuickTime Videos (MOV, M4V, M2V, MP4, 3GP, 3G2)
- No Overwriting: Skips media if there's a duplicate based on the checksum of file content (SHA256). Also if a file with same name exists, and if it is not duplicate, different name will be used while importing.
- Writes a neat log at target location everytime this script is invoked.
- Requires
- Tested on only on
. It won't work on Windows (work in progress); not tested on Mac (expected to work without any problem).
gem (depends on exiftool library)mimemagic
ruby import-media.rb [-cp | -mv] source-directory target-directory
Here is the --help output:
Imports media (photos, videos) according to exif date information.
import-media.rb <source_path> <target_path>
import-media.rb [(--copy | -cp) | (--move | -mv)] <source_path> <target_path>
-h --help Shows this screen
<source_path> Source root directory with media to import
<target_path> Target root directory
-cp --copy Default. Copies media at the source_path to target_path (according to the exif date) recursively.
-mv --move Moves media at the source_path to target_path (according to the exif date) recursively.
WARNING: This is no more true.
Provides a list of files in the given directory that are of zero length.
ruby zero-files.rb /path/to/folder
# outputs
Deletes given a list of files.
ruby zero-files.rb /path/to/folder > zero.log
ruby delete-files.rb zero.log
## outputs