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keras 2.9.0

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@t-kalinowski t-kalinowski released this 23 May 20:34
  • New functions for constructing custom keras subclasses:

    • new_model_class()
    • new_layer_class()
    • new_callback_class()
    • new_metric_class()
    • new_loss_class()
    • new_learning_rate_schedule_class().

    Also provided is mark_active(), a decorator for indicating a class method
    should be an active binding (i.e., decorated with Python's @property).
    mark_active() can be used in the new_*_class family of class constructors
    as well as %py_class%.

  • r_to_py() method for R6 classes and %py_class% gain support for
    private fields and methods. Any R objects stored in private will only be
    available to methods, and will not be converted to Python.

  • New family of functions for controlling optimizer learning rates during training:

    • learning_rate_schedule_cosine_decay()
    • learning_rate_schedule_cosine_decay_restarts()
    • learning_rate_schedule_exponential_decay()
    • learning_rate_schedule_inverse_time_decay()
    • learning_rate_schedule_piecewise_constant_decay()
    • learning_rate_schedule_polynomial_decay()

    Also, a function for constructing custom learning rate schedules:

  • New L2 unit normilization layer: layer_unit_normalization().

  • New regularizer_orthogonal, a regularizer that encourages
    orthogonality between the rows (or columns) or a weight matrix.

  • New zip_lists() function for transposing lists, optionally matching by name.

  • New plot() S3 method for models.

  • pydot is now included in the packages installed by install_keras().

  • The png package is now listed under Suggests.

  • The %<>% assignment pipe from magrittr is exported.

  • format() method for keras models (and derivative methods print(), summary(),
    str(), and py_str()):

    • gain a new arg compact. If TRUE (the default) white-space only
      lines are stripped out of model.summary().
    • If any layers are marked non-trainable or frozen, the model summary
      now includes a "Trainable" column, indicating if a layer is frozen.
  • freeze_weights() and unfreeze_weights():

    • gain a flexible which argument that can accept layer names (as character strings),
      an integer vector, a boolean vector, or a function that returns a boolean
      when called with a layer. (see updated examples in ?freeze_weights
    • from and to arguments gain the ability to accept negative integers,
      to specify layers counting from the end of the layers list.
  • get_weights() gains a trainable argument that can accept TRUE or FALSE,
    allowing for returning only the unfrozen or frozen weights, respectively.

  • timeseries_dataset_from_array():

    • R arrays are now cast to the floatx dtype ("float32" by default)
    • start_index and end_index now are 1-based.
  • image_dataset_from_directory() gains a crop_to_aspect_ratio argument which
    can be used to prevent distorting images when resizing to a new aspect ratio.

  • Layer is deprecated, superseded by new_layer_class().

  • load_model_tf() argument custom_objects gains the ability to accept an
    unnamed list (e.g, of objects returned by new_layer_class() or similar).
    Appropriate names for the supplied objects are automatically inferred.

  • Fixed an issue where negative values less than -1 supplied to axis
    arguments were selecting the wrong axis.

  • get_layer() gains the ability to accept negative values for the index argument.

  • Fixed warning from create_layer_wrapper() when the custom layer didn't have
    an overridden initialize or __init__ method.

  • Backend functions:

    • k_clip() min_value and max_value gain default values of NULL,
      can be omitted. NULL is taken as -Inf or Inf, respectively.
    • k_squeeze(): axis argument can be omitted, in which case all axes of size 1 are dropped.
    • k_tile(): n argument can now be supplied as a tensor.
    • New function k_unstack().
  • KerasTensor objects (e.g, returned by layer_input()) now inherit S3 methods
    for "tensorflow.tensor".

  • plot.keras_training_history() no longer issues message
    `geom_smooth()` using formula 'y ~ x' when method = "ggplot2".

  • print and related methods for models (format, summary) now accept
    a width argument.

  • evaluate(), fit(), and predict() methods for keras Models now default
    to verbose = "auto", with verbosity adjusted appropriately based on calls to
    keras$utils$disable_interactive_logging(), and contexts like

  • install_keras() now accepts version = "release-cpu" as a valid specification.