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@rich-iannone rich-iannone released this 23 Oct 13:58
· 126 commits to main since this release

This release provides a few minor improvements along with many bug fixes.

  • New argument extract_tbl_checked added to interrogate(). When FALSE, the $tbl_checked column from the validation set will be dropped before returning the agent. This may be helpful in reducing object size for large agents (#542). (#554)

  • The new argument na_rm in snip_list() suppresses any NA values so that they won't included in the snippet's list of items (#547). (#556)

  • Improved readability of error messages rendered as tooltips in the agent report. (#543)

  • col_vals_expr() shows used columns in the agent report when interrogated. (#570)

  • Improved the matching of rows between agent$validation_step and the rows of the agent report (#563). (#565)

  • Functions accepting ... now use rlang::list2(), enabling dynamic dots. For example, a multiagent can now be constructed from a list() of agents using create_multiagent(!!!list_of_agents) (#552). (#553)

  • Fixed bug with non-standard column names in some validation functions (#545, #546). (#555)

  • Fixed a regression in col_vals_*() functions, where vars("col") was evaluating to the string "col". Behavior of vars("col") is now aligned back with vars(col) - both evaluate to the column name col. (#535)

  • Problems arising from comparing columns to a value of different class (for example, comparing a datetime column to a date value Sys.Date() instead of another datetime value Sys.time()) are now signalled appropriately at interrogate() (#536, #537). (#539)

  • Fixed bug in has_columns() failing to detect non-existing columns when supplied as a character vector. (#540)

  • Replace uses of crayon::make_style() with cli::make_ansi_style(), removing the crayon dependency. (#559, thanks @olivroy!)

  • Use rlang::check_installed() to perform checks of optional package installs. (#559, @olivroy)

  • Modernized CI workflows with dedicated linting action. (#560, @olivroy)

  • Avoid unwanted equation formatting in agent report arising from arbitrary "$" characters (#561). (#562)