Wrapper for starfighter's REST API.
So far the documented REST API is covered, but I still need to add in ability to restart levels etc.
I've added websocket support for quotes and will add in support for trades when the service settles down a bit and I can test properly.
I've done minimal testing on this, I'll do more as the service becomes more stable.
All of the calls are asynchronous and use RxJava (https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjava/wiki). Here are a couple of examples:
StarfighterConnection connection = new StarfighterConnection("auth1234");
StockQuote quote = connection.getQuoteForStock(stock, venue).toBlocking().single();
StarfighterConnection connection = new StarfighterConnection("auth1234");
connection.getQuoteForStock(stock, venue).subscribe(new Subscriber<StockQuote>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
public void onNext(StockQuote stockQuote) {
// next step here
StarfighterConnection connection = new StarfighterConnection("auth123");
connection.subscribeToQuotes("venue1", "account1", "symbol")
.subscribe(new Subscriber<StockQuote>() {
public void onCompleted() {
public void onError(Throwable throwable) {
public void onNext(StockQuote stockQuote) {
// new quotes will appear here
These are very basic examples of RxJava - read the documentation for more info.