UT99 Simple Server Admin Tool is a UT99 Mod that makes Unreal Tournament 1999 server administration easier with a user-friendly interface for easy access to commonly used admin commands.
Step 1) Copy AdminTool.u, AdminTool.int, and AdminTool.ini into the System directory of your local Unreal Tournament installation
Step 2) Confirm that you have Admin Tool in your UT Menu next time you start the game.
It should look like this:

- Admin Login/Logout with saved passwords: Never forget your admin password when you manage multiple servers.
- Admin Authentication: Only authenticated admins can access server controls.
- Game Password Management: Set or retrieve the game password.
- Max Players/Spectators: Configure the maximum number of players and spectators.
- Server Demo Recording: Start and stop server-side demo recordings with custom naming.
- Map Restart: Restart the current map.
- Skip Next ACE Check: Temporarily bypass the ACE anti-cheat check for the next player connection.
- Player and Spectator Lists: View current players and spectators.
- Kick/Ban Players and Spectators: Remove players or spectators from the game, with the option to ban.
- Team Color Display: Shows player and spectator team colors for easy identification.
- Admin Password Setting: Change the server's admin password.
- Tickrate Configuration: Set the server's tick rate.
- Server Name and Admin Info: Update the server name, admin name, and contact information.
- Message of the Day (MOTD): Set 4 lines of MOTD to display to players upon joining.
- Server Restart: Restart the server.
- Show Netspeeds and IPs: Display the netspeeds and IPs of connected players.
- Show Demos: Display a list of players who are recording demos.
- Powerup Management: Remove specific items (e.g., Redeemer, Damage Amp) from the current match.
- Bot Management: Add a specific number of bots to the match or remove all bots.

For support and further information, visit https://ut99tdm.com/discord.
This Admin tool is a simplified and updated version of the original UT Admin Tool v3.6 made by [os]sphx and TNSe. All credits for the original work go to [os]sphx and TNSe.