Inspired by many specialized ETFs (An investment vehicle that pools a group of securities into a fund. It can be traded like an individual stock on an exchange), creating a basket of stocks with weights for specific investment strategies or weighting criteria beyond traditional market-capitalization indexes and treating them all as a unit.
Utilized yfinance
for data retrieval of NSE stocks, obtaining historical price data for a specified date range
'df' is the DataFrame that contains daily prices of stocks.
'weights' is the array that contains portfolio weights.
Finding var95 and cvar95:
returns = df.pct_change()
returns.dropna(inplace = True)
returns_pf =
var = np.percentile(returns_pf, 5)
cvar = returns_pf [returns_pf <= var].mean()
pf_AUM =
total_return = (pf_AUM[-1] - pf_AUM[0]) / pf_AUM[0]
annualized_return = ((1 + total_return) * * (12 / months)) - 1
pf_returns = pf_AUM.pct_change()
pf_vol = pf_returns.std()
pf_vol = pf_vol * np.sqrt(250)
sharpe_ratio = ((annualized_return - rfr) / pf_vol)
pandas, numpy, yfinance, matplotlib, PyPortfolioOpt
(including EfficientFrontier
for portfolio optimization)