released this
07 Apr 22:34
Changed size reporting using k instead of K as it a multiple of 1024 (#956 )
Added "public_url_use_https" config to generate public url using https (#551 , #666 ) (Jukka Nousiainen)
Added option to make connection pooling configurable and improvements (Arto Jantunen)
Added support for path-style bucket access to signurl (Zac Medico)
Added docker configuration and help to run test cases with multiple Python versions (Doug Crozier)
Relaxed limitation on special chars for --add-header key names (#1054 )
Fixed all regions that were automatically converted to lower case (Harshavardhana)
Fixed size and alignment of DU and LS output reporting (#956 )
Fixes for SignatureDoesNotMatch error when host port 80 or 443 is specified, due to stupid servers (#1059 )
Fixed the useless retries of requests that fail because of ssl cert checks
Fixed a possible crash when a file disappears during cache generation (#377 )
Fixed unicode issues with IAM (#987 )
Fixed unicode errors with bucked Policy/CORS requests (#847 ) (Alex Offshore)
Fixed unicode issues when loading aws_credential_file (#989 )
Fixed an issue with the tenant feature of CephRGW. Url encode bucket_name for path-style requests (#1080 )
Fixed signature v2 always used when bucket_name had special chars (#1081 )
Allow to use signature v4 only, even for commands without buckets specified (#1082 )
Fixed small open file descriptor leaks.
Py3: Fixed hash-bang in headers to not force using python2 when setup/s3cmd/run-test scripts are executed directly.
Py3: Fixed unicode issues with Cloudfront (#1006 )
Py3: Fixed http.client.RemoteDisconnected errors (#1014 ) (Ryan Huddleston)
Py3: Fixed 'dictionary changed size during iteration' error when using a cache-file (#945 ) (Doug Crozier)
Py3: Fixed the display of file sizes (Vlad Presnyak)
Py3: Python 3.8 compatibility fixes (Konstantin Shalygin)
Py2: Fixed unicode errors sometimes crashing remote2remote sync (#847 )
Added s3cmd.egg-info to .gitignore (Philip Dubé)
Improved run-test script to not use hard-coded bucket names(#1066 ) (Doug Crozier)
Renamed INSTALL to and improvements (Nitro, Prabhakar Gupta)
Improved the restore command help (Hrchu)
Updated the storage-class command help with the recent aws s3 classes (#1020 )
Fixed typo in the --continue-put help message (Pengyu Chen)
Fixed typo (#1062 ) (Tim Gates)
Improvements for setup and build configurations
Many other bug fixes
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