Provide a brief and clear description of your project. Explain its purpose, features, and what it does.
- Requirements
- Installation
- Usage
- API Endpoints
- Admin Dashboard
- Testing
- Deployment
- Contributing
- License
List the requirements for your project, including the Python version, Django version, and any external packages or libraries. You can provide an example requirements.txt
Python 3.8.x Django 3.x Django Rest Framework 3.x MySQL 5.x / SQLite
Add other dependencies here bash Copy code
Explain how to install and set up your project locally. Include any necessary steps or commands.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd yourproject
Create a virtual environment (recommended) and activate it:
bash Copy code python3 -m venv venv source venv/bin/activate # On Windows, use: venv\Scripts\activate Install dependencies:
bash Copy code pip install -r requirements.txt Configure the database in
Apply migrations:
bash Copy code python makemigrations python migrate Usage Explain how to use your project, including how to run the development server, access the API, and interact with the application.
Start the development server:
bash Copy code python runserver Access the API:
Open your web browser or API client and access the API endpoints. For example, http://localhost:8000/api/get_all_active_patients/.
API Endpoints Provide a list of your API endpoints, including a brief description of what each endpoint does.
/api/get_all_active_patients/: Active patients list. /api/get_all_active_counsellors/: Active counsellors list. /api/get_all_active_appointments/: Active appointments list. Admin Dashboard Explain how to access the admin dashboard for managing your application. Mention how to create an admin user.
Create a superuser:
bash Copy code python createsuperuser Access the admin dashboard at http://localhost:8000/admin/.
Testing Explain how to run the unit tests for your project.
To run the unit tests:
bash Copy code python test Deployment Provide instructions or recommendations for deploying your project to a production environment. You can include information about web servers, databases, and settings modifications.
Set DEBUG = False in your for production.
Configure a production database (e.g., PostgreSQL).
Serve your application with a production-ready web server (e.g., Gunicorn).
Set up a reverse proxy (e.g., Nginx).
Contributing Explain how others can contribute to your project, including guidelines for submitting issues, feature requests, and pull requests.
License Specify the license under which your project is released.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.