Pull Request
The motive is to help the viewers of the Coding Decoded Channel land the job of their dreams and become a better engineer! It is a one stop solution for all your technical knowledge. Its primary focus is to help viewers build strong
- Data structures and algorithm concepts
- Coding Aptitude
- System Design
- Interviewing Aptitude and process
- Deciphering Interviewer's mindset
- Motivational talks
In the last year we have solved 450+ problems and published their videos. We daily publish solutions to leetcode monthly challenges. We also solve leetcode weekly contest questions as well.
Each video has a pictorial representation of the algorithm, test cases walk through and cherry on top is live coding session.
Hard work paid off. We have already reached our first milestone of 1k+ subscribers and hope to build the largest coding community.
If you also intend to get a job of your dreams, come join us, and become our companion. We will together make it possible.
All the videos are hosted here.
It is a place where peers of the community help each other with their queries, schedule mock interviews among themselves and bring in a little humour.
S No | Topic | Playlist |
1. | Success storing and Interviewing Tips | Link |
2. | How to build attitude to crack a coding interview | Link |
3. | Weekly Contest Problem | Link |
4. | System Design | Link |
- Tuple with Same Product
- FindKthXORedCordinate
- MinimumElementstoAddtoFormaGivenSum
- MaximumAveragePassRatio
- FindtheWinneroftheCircularGame
- CountNodesWiththeHighestScore
- FindSubsequenceOfLengthKWithTheLargestSum
- FindGoodDaystoRobtheBank
- DetonatetheMaximumBombs
- SequentiallyOrdinalRankTracker
- FindFirstPalindromicStringintheArray
- AddingSpacesToAString
- NumberofSmoothDescentPeriodsofaStock
- MinimumOperationstoMaketheArrayKIncreasing
- IntervalsBetweenIdenticalElements
- ExecutionofAllSuffixInstructionsStayinginaGrid
- ANumberAfteraDoubleReversal
- RecovertheOriginalArray
- CheckifAllAsAppearsBeforeAllBs
- NumberofLaserBeamsinaBank
- DestroyingAsteroids
- MaximumEmployeestoBeInvitedtoaMeeting
- CheckifEveryRowandColumnContainsAllNumbers
- MinimumSwapstoGroupAll1sTogetherII
- CountWordsObtainedAfterAddingALetter
- EarliestPossibleDayOfFullBloom
- DivideAStringIntoGroupsOfSizek
- MinimumMovesToReachTargetScore
- SolvingQuestionsWithBrainpower
- MaximumRunningTimeofNComputers.
S No | Leetcode Monthly Challenge | Youtube Playlist |
1. | January 2022 | Solutions |
2. | December 2021 | Solutions |
3. | November 2021 | Solutions |
4. | October 2021 | Solutions |
5. | September 2021 | Solutions |
6. | August 2021 | Solutions |
7. | July 2021 | Solutions |
8. | June 2021 | Solutions |
9. | May 2021 | Solutions |
10. | April 2021 | Solutions |
11. | March 2021 | Solutions |
12. | February 2021 | Solutions |
13. | January 2021 | Solutions |
14. | December 2020 | Solutions |
15. | November 2020 | Solutions |
16. | September 2020 | Solutions |
17. | August 2020 | Solutions |
- HouseRobber
- OddEvenLinkedList
- StreamOfCharacters
- MinCostToMoveChipsToSamePosition
- ConvertBinaryNumberInALinkedListToInteger
- BinaryTreeTilt
- DominoAndTrominoTiling
- NthMagicalNumber
- PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- ConsecutiveCharacters
- RangeSumofBST
- InsertionSortList
- MinimumHeightTrees
- MaximalSquare
- MinimumAbsoluteDifference
- PowerOfTwo
- CourseScheduleII
- MergeInterval
- KClosestPointstoOrigin
- NumberComplement
- MiddleoftheLinkedList
- PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNode
- SmallestIntegerDivisiblebyK
- MaximumDifferenceBetweenNodeAndAncestor
- SurroundedRegions - Day 1
- UniquePathsIII - Day 2
- ArrangingCoins - Day 5
- SingleNumbersIII - Day 6
- MultiplyStrings - Day 7
- UniqueBinarySearchTrees - Day 8
- NumberOfValidWordsForEachPuzzle - Day 9
- BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockII - Day 10
- MinimumValueToGetPositiveStepbyStepSum - Day 11
- RemoveLinkedListElements - Day 12
- DailyTemperatures - Day 13
- CombinationIterator - Day 14
- LargestDivisibleSubset - Day 15
- KthNumberinMultiplicationTable - Day 16
- UniquePaths - Day 17
- FindAllNumbersDisappearedinanArray - Day 18
- HammingDistance - Day 19
- SingleElementinaSortedArray - Day 20
- ConstructBinaryTreeFromInorderAndPostorderTraversal - Day 21
- LargestComponentSizeByCommonFactor - Day 23
- IntervalListIntersections - Day 24
- SearchInsertPosition - Day 26
- ProductOfArrayExceptSelf - Day 27
- AllPathsFromSourceToTarget - Day 28
- AccountsMerge - Day 29
- MaximalRectangle - Day 30
- LongestCommonSubsequence - Day 1
- DungeonGame - Day 2
- JumpGame - Day 3
- IslandPerimeter - Day 4
- ClimbingStairs - Day 5
- FindAllDuplicatesinanArray - Day 6
- WordSearch - Day 7
- ImplementTrie - Day 8
- WordSearchII - Day 9
- BitwiseAndOfNumbersRange - Day 10
- DiameterOfBinaryTree - Day 11
- GuessNumberHigherorLower - Day 12
- ConstructBinarySearchTreeFromPreorderTraversal - Day 13
- PerfectSquares - Day 14
- BestTimeToBuyAndSellStockWithCooldown - Day 15
- BestTimetoBuyandSellStockIII - Day 16
- PathSumIII - Day 17
- CousinsInBinaryTree - Day 18
- NextGreaterElementI - Day 19
- ReverseWordsInAString - Day 20
- InsertDeleteGetRandomO(1) - Day 21
- SortCharactersByFrequency) - Day 22
- FindMinimumInRotatedSortedArrayII - Day 23
- CountCompleteTreeNodes - Day 24
- MinStack - Day 25
- InvertBinaryTree - Day 26
- SortColors - Day 27
- LongestDuplicateSubstring - Day 27
- FlattenaMultilevelDoublyLinkedList - Day 31
- ArrayNesting - Day 1
- UniqueBinarySearchTreesII - Day 2
- ErectTheFence - Day 3
- SumOfDistancesInTree - Day 4
- OrderlyQueue - Day 5
- SlowestKey - Day 6
- ReverseLinkedList - Day 7
- ShiftingLetter - Day 8
- LargestPlusSign - Day 9
- ArithmeticSlicesIISubsequence - Day 10
- BasicCalculator - Day 10
- ReachableNodesInSubdividedGraph - Day 12
- MaximumNumberofBalloons - Day 13
- ReverseOnlyLetters - Day 14
- LongestTurbulentSubarray - Day 15
- SpiralMatrix - Day 16
- IntersectionOfTwoArraysII - Day 17
- ExpressionAddOperators - Day 18
- Distinct Subsequences - Day 19
- FindWinneronaTicTacToeGame - Day 19
- MaxConsecutiveOnes - Day 21
- MaximumLengthofaConcatenatedStringwithUniqueCharacters - Day 22
- BreakAPalindrome - Day 23
- NthTribonacciNumber - Day 24
- ShortestPathinaGridwithObstaclesElimination - Day 25
- TransformtoChessboard - Day 26
- UniqueEmailAddresses - Day 27
- SortArrayByParityII - Day 28
- SplitLinkedListinParts - Day 29
- PartitiontoKEqualSumSubsets - Day 30
August 2021 Leetcode Solution Playlist
- MakingALargeIsland - Day 1
- StoneGame - Day 5
- NaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal - Day 6
- PalindromePartitioningII - Day 7
- AddStrings - Day 9
- FlipStringtoMonotoneIncreasing - Day 10
- ArrayofDoubledPairs - Day 11
- GroupAnangrams - Day 12
- SetMatrixZeroes - Day 13
- RemoveBoxes - Day 14
- MinimumWindowSubstring - Day 15
- RangeSumQueryImmutable - Day 16
- CountGoodNodesinBinaryTree - Day 17
- MaximumProductofSplittedBinaryTree - Day 19
- ValidSudoku - Day 20
- SudokuSolver - Day 21
- TwoSumIVInputIsABST - Day 23
- ComplexNumberMultiplication - Day 24
- SumofSquareNumbers - Day 25
- VerifyPreorderSerializationofaBinaryTree - Day 26
- LongestUncommonSubsequenceII - Day 27
- MaximumProfitInJobScheduling - Day 28
- PatchingArray - Day 29
- RangeAdditionII - Day 30
- FindMinimuminRotatedSortedArray - Day 30
- InvertBinaryTree - Day 26
- GrayCode - Day 1
- FindKClosestElements - Day 2
- MaxSumofRectangleNoLargerThanK - Day 3
- CountVowelsPermutation - Day 4
- ReshapeTheMatrix - Day 5
- ReduceArraySizetoTheHalf - Day 6
- KthSmallestElementinaSortedMatrix - Day 7
- MaximumLengthofRepeatedSubarray - Day 8
- LongestIncreasingSubsequence - Day 9
- DecodeWaysII - Day 10
- FindMedianfromDataStream - Day 11
- IsomorphicStrings - Day 12
- FindPeakElement - Day 13
- CustomSortString - Day 14
- ValidTriangleNumber - Day 15
- 4Sum - Day 16
- ThreeEqualParts - Day 17
- ReverseNodesinkGroup - Day 18
- LowestCommonAncestorofaBinarySearchTree - Day 19
- ShuffleAnArray - Day 20
- PushDominoes - Day 21
- PartitionArrayintoDisjointIntervals - Day 22
- BinaryTreePruning - Day 23
- WordLadderII - Day 24
- NonNegativeIntegerswithoutConsecutiveOnes - Day 25
- ConvertSortedArraytoBinarySearchTree - Day 26
- 3SumClosest - Day 27
- BeautifulArray - Day 28
- 01Matrix - Day 29
- MapSumPairs - Day 30
- TrappingRainWater - Day 31
- MaxAreaofIsland - Day 1
- InterleavingString - Day 2
- MaximumAreaofaPieceofCakeAfterHorizontalandVerticalCuts - Day 3
- MaximumAreaofaPieceofCakeAfterHorizontalandVerticalCutsg_Python
- OpenTheLock - Day 4
- MaximumPerformanceofaTeam - Day 5
- LongestConsecutiveSequence - Day 6
- MinCostClimbingStairs - Day 7
- ConstructBinaryTreefromPreorderandInorderTraversal - Day 8
- JumpGameVI - Day 9
- MyCalendarI - Day 10
- StoneGameVII - Day 11
- MinimumNumberofRefuelingStops - Day 12
- PalindromePairs - Day 13
- MaximumUnitsonaTruck - Day 14
- MaximumUnitsonaTruck - Day 15
- GenerateParentheses - Day 16
- NumberofSubarrayswithBoundedMaximum - Day 17
- RangeSumMutable - Day 18
- KInversePairsArray - Day 19
- SwiminRisingWater - Day 20
- Pascal'sTriangle - Day 21
- NumberofMatchingSubsequences - Day 22
- ReverseLinkedListII - Day 23
- OutofBoundaryPaths - Day 24
- RedundantConnection - Day 25
- CountOfSmallerNumbersAfterSelf - Day 26
- Candy - Day 27
- RemoveAllAdjacentDuplicatesInString - Day 28
- MaxConsecutiveOnesIII - Day 29
- LowestCommonAncestorofaBinaryTree - Day 30
- PrefixAndSuffixSearch
- CourseScheduleIII
- RunningSumof1dArray
- Non-decreasingArray
- JumpGameII
- ConvertSortedListToBST
- DeleteOperationforTwoStrings
- SuperPalindrome
- ConstructTargetArrayWithMultipleSums
- CountPrimes
- MaximumPointsYouCanObtainfromCards
- RangeSumQuery2D-Immutable
- AmbiguousCoordinates
- FlattenBinaryTreetoLinkedList
- BinaryCameraTree
- LongestStringChainSolution
- FindDuplicateFileinSystem
- MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
- MinimumMovestoEqualArrayElementsII
- BinaryTreeLevelOrderTraversal
- FindandReplacePattern
- NQueen
- FindTheShortestSuperstring
- ToLowerCase
- EvaluateReversePolishNotation
- PartitioningIntoMinimumNumberOfDeciBinaryNumbersg
- maximum-product-of-word-lengths
- MaximumErasureValue
- NQueenII
- MaximumGap
- SearchSuggestionsSystem
- PalindromeLinkedList
- OnesAndZeros
- LongestValidParentheses
- DesignCircularQueue
- GlobalandLocalInversions
- MinimumOperationstoMakeArrayEqual
- determine-if-string-halves-are-alike
- LetterCombinationPhone
- ValidAlienDictionary
- LongestIncreasingPath
- DeepestLeavesSum
- BeautifulArrangementII
- FlattenedNestedList
- PartitionList
- FibonacciNos
- remove-all-adjacent-duplicates-in-string-ii
- PowerfulIntegers
- Distribute Candies
- Set Mismatch
- Missing Number
- Intersection Of Two Linked Lists
- AverageofLevelsinBinaryTree
- ShortEncodingofWords
- DesignHashMap
- AddRowToTree
- IntegertoRoman
- CoinChange
- Check-if-a-string-contains-allbinary-codesofsize-K
- BinaryTreesWithFactors
- SwappingNodesinaLinkedList
- EncodeandDecodeTinyURL
- BestTimetoBuyandSellStockwithTransactionFee
- GenerateRandomPointinaCircle
- WiggleSubSequnce
- KeysAndRooms
- DesignUndergroundSystem
- ReorderedPowerOf2
- SpellChecker
- 3SumWithMultiplicity
- AdvantageShuffle
- PacificAltaticWaterFlow
- WordsSubset
- PalindromicSubStrings
- FlipBinaryTreeToMatchPreorderTraversal
- RussianDollEnvelopes
- StampingTheSequence
- No Of 1 bits
- Trim Binary Search Tree
- Linked List Cycle
- LongestHarmoinousSubsequence
- SimiplifyPaths
- Binary Tree Right Side View
- Shortest Distance to a Character
- Peeking Iterator
- convert-bst-to-greater-tree
- Copy List with Random Pointer
- Valid Anagram
- NumberofStepstoReduceNumbertoZero
- ShortestPathInAGird
- IsGraphBipairate
- TheKWeakestRowsinaMatrix
- LetterCasePermutation
- ContainerWithMostWater
- ArthimeticSlicing
- MinimumRemovetoMakeValidParentheses
- ScoreOfParentheses
- ShortestUnsortedContinuousSubarray
- ValidateStackSequences
- DivideTwoIntegers
- MaximumFrequencyStack
- Check Array Formation Through Concatenation
- Find a Corresponding of a Binary Tree in a of That Tree
- Beautiful Arrangement
- Merge two sorted list
- RemoveDuplicatesfromSortedListII
- kth-missing-positive-number
- Check If Two String Arrays are Equivalent
- LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacters
- WordLadder
- MergeSortedArrays
- AddTwoNumbers
- BoatsToSavePeople
- MinimumOperationsToReduceXToZero
- GetMaximumInGeneratedArray
- KthLargestElementInArray
- CountSortedVowelStrings
- MaxPairsWithKSum
- MergeKSortedLists
- MergeKSortedLists
- CheckIfAll1'sAreatLeastLengthKPlacesAway
- PathWithMinimumEffort
- concatenation-of-consecutive-binary-numbers
- smallest-string-with-a-given-numeric-value
- VerticalOrderOfABinaryTree
- MinimizeDeviationinArray
- NextPermutation
- Maximum Depth Of Binary Tree
- Linked List Random Node
- Increasing Order SearchTree
- Kth Factor Of N
- Can Place Flower
- PopulatingNextRightPointersInEachNodeII
- RemoveDuplicatesFromSortedArrayII
- Smallest Subtree with all the Deepest Nodes
- Burst Balloon
- Palindrome Partitioning
- Squares Of Sorted Array
- Validate Binary Search Tree
- 4Sum II
- Increasing Triplet Sequence
- Cherry PickerII
- SmallestRangeII
- BalancedBinaryTree
- NextGreaterElementIII
- SwapNodesInPairs
- Diagonal traverse
- Decode Ways
- Jump Game IV
- Reach A Number
- PseudoPalindromic Paths In A Binary Tree
- Game Of Life
- LaregstAreaOfHistorgam
- Merge Intervals
- Decode String
- RotatedSearchArrayII
- NumbersAtNGivenDigitSet
- UniqueMorseCodeWords
- HouseRobberIII
- BasicCalculatorII
- SmallestIntegerDivisiblebyK
- SubstringWithAtLeastKRepeatingCharacters
- PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- PartitionEqualSubsetSum
- JumpGameIII
- TheSkyLineProblem
- Largest Time for Given Digits
- Contains Duplicate III
- RepeatedSubstringPattern
- PartitionLabels
- AllElementsinTwoBinarySearchTrees
- ImageOverlap
- WordPattern
- SumofRootToLeafBinaryNumbers
- CompareVersionNumbers
- BullsAndCows
- MaximumProductSubArray
- Comination Sum III
- Detect Capitals
- Design HashSet
- Valid Palindrome
- Power of Four
- Add and Search Word
- FindAllDuplicate
- Vertical Travesal of Binary Tree
- Path Sum III
- Rotting Oranges
- Excel Sheet Column Number
- H Index
- PascalsTriangleII
- CombinationIterator
- Longest Palindrome
- Non Overlapping Intervals
- Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock
- Distribute Candies To
- Numbers With Same Consecutive
- ReoderList
- SortArrayByParity
- RandomPointInNonOverlappingRectangles
- Stream of Characters
- Sum Of Left Leaves
- Minimum Cost Of Tickets
- Fizz Buzz
- First Right Interval
- Implement Rand10 Using Rand7
- PancakeSorting
- LargestComponentSizebyCommonFactor
- DeleteANodeInBst
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