Admin module for MEAN applications to manage:
- Modules list
- Bootswatch themes support
- App Settings
- User Management
Install Package in root of your mean app:
$ mean install mean-admin
Add the admin role to your user:
$ mean user <email> -a admin
(Re)start the server:
$ grunt
In order to deploy mean-admin
to Heroku or otherwise, add the following line to package.json
of the mean app:
"mean-admin": "linnovate/mean-admin",
Note: the mean-admin
pubilshed on npm does not work with meanio. The line above will pull the module directly from GitHub.
Don't forget to add the admin
role to the admin user. Make sure server/config/env/production.js
is updated with the production db url, then use the --env
flag as:
$ mean user <email> -a admin --env production