Orqal for [ORQ]chestration of [AL]gorithms is a simple batch scheduler for docker cluster which can be used remotly and without overhead in scientific experiment.
Orqal claim to be and stay as simple as possible.
- We use the docker api to manage docker nodes, which means that there is no configuration on node except open the api port.
- HTTP/REST API enable to schedule jobs and retrieve data.
- A dashboard is provided to monitor load average per nodes, jobs scheduling and redoc api.
The glue between docker image and orqal need to be implemented in python with the ArbstractWorker class in order to :
- get command to execute
- set the result if necessary
Here is a simple example using radare2
class Rabin2(AbstractWorker):
docker_url = "radare/radare2"
volumes = {'/database': {'bind': '/database', 'mode': 'ro'}}
threads = 1
memory_in_gb = 1
def get_cmd(self, params):
return "rabin2 -I %s" % self.job.input
def set_result(self, job):
r = {l.split()[0].replace('.', '_'): l.split()[1] for l in job.stdout if len(l.split()) == 2}
A docker-compose file can be used as receipe to install it.
1 - Web process
gunicorn app:app --bind --worker-class aiohttp.GunicornWebWorker --workers 8
2 - Worker
python3 worker.py
python setup.py bdist
python3 setup.py sdist
twine upload dist/*
GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.txt
- Dashboard template : https://github.com/puikinsh/sufee-admin-dashboard
- Font : https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Righteous
Add in file /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/override.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -H tcp:// -s overlay --insecure-registry orqal:5000
Then flush changes by executing :
systemctl daemon-reload
verify that the configuration has been loaded:
systemctl show --property=ExecStart docker
restart docker:
systemctl restart docker