Releases: scherersoftware/cake-cktools
Releases · scherersoftware/cake-cktools
To disable specific days of the week in the Datepicker component, set the days of week to be disabled from the controller action to the FrontendBridge under the key daysOfWeekDisabled
Values are 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). Multiple values should be comma-separated. Example: disable weekends: [0,6]
As code in the controller action:
$this->FrontendBridge->setJson(['daysOfWeekDisabled' => [0, 6]]);
v4.0.0-RC3 Fix locales path
Update constraint versions
CakePHP 4.0 compatibility
Fix and add unit tests
- Prefixed every fixture with "CkTest", because if you have a project with a users table and fixtures (very common) this package and any plugin having unit/integration tests that are executed after the tests of this package produced conflicts.
That's because the users table is not changed back to the fixture/schema of the main app after the tests of this package and therefor potentially missing some fields that are only present in the users table of the main app.
To easily prevent this, I addded the "CkTest" prefix to every fixture this package uses, minimalizing the potential of naming conflicts with real apps. - Added unit tests for the latest configuration value of the StrictPasswordBehavior: "minUserNameLength", which sets a lower limit for the length of name fields of the user to be considered when checking that the password does not contain any of the names. This prevents people with very short names getting totally random passwords rejected because their short name appears in the random characters of their desired new password
Translations updated in previous release were not reflected in the binary .mo files, which is now rectified
- make the minimum length of first- and lastname where their occurrence in the password will trigger a validation error configurable. This was necessary due to the fact that a name with one or two characters could easily invalidate any random password
- fix validation error message translation
Updated some third party dependencies