WM config for Archlinux with zsh, tmux, starship, neovim, kitty, feh, dusnt, ly, bspwm, sxhkd, polybar, picom & rofi
This shell script is designed to automate the initial setup of a working environment on Arch Linux with the BSPWM window manager. It installs necessary packages and performs configurations to get the environment ready for use.
- A Nerd Font installed and enabled in your terminal the following sources are used for this installation .
Font | Download URl |
JetBrains Mono NF | Download here |
IosevkaTerm NF | Download here |
Sarasa Fixed J NF |
Clone this repository to your Arch Linux system.
git clone https://github.com/sebasruiz09/dotfiles.git
Navigate to the project directory.
Give execute permission to the installation script.
chmod +x ./install.sh
The script will install necessary packages, configure BSPWM, and apply default configurations for various tools such as Zsh, Rofi, etc.
modify the output of your monitors in the file
xrandr -q
and change the monitor value in the~/.config/polybar/config.ini
Reboot your system or start the graphical session.
Select BSPWM as your window manager and enjoy your configured environment.
- if you want the neovim configuration
git clone https://github.com/sebasruiz09/nvim.git
In case Polybar doesn't run as expected, check its logs and the monitor's output , Execute
Monitor the output for any error messages or issues that may help diagnose the problem.
In case any of the loaded modules doesn't work, compare the properties indicated there with those of your computer
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details. Feel free to modify and distribute the code as per the terms of the MIT License.