Data Analyst | MSc Hons in Data Science
- Copenhagen, Denmark
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/sebastian-sbirna/
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Data-Analyst-Nanodegree-Project-Portfolio PublicThis repository contains a collection of all the capstone projects made for the Data Analyst Nanodegree Certification - Udacity
Coronary-Heart-Disease-Prognosis-and-Diagnosis-using-Machine-Learning-techniques PublicThis repository contains the three-part capstone project made for the DTU Data Science course 02450: Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining
Social-Data-Analysis-and-Visualizations-Investigating-San-Francisco-Crime-Scene-using-Police-Reports PublicThis repository contains the collection of Python and Javascript (Observable Notebook) projects made for the DTU Data Science course 02806: Social Data Analysis and Visualizations
Customer-Insights-and-Business-Intelligence-upon-the-Japanese-restaurant-industry-in-Toronto-Canada PublicThis repository contains the Business Intelligence insights generated as part of the final project challenge for the DTU Data Science course 42578: Advanced Business Analytics
Geospatial-analytics-upon-Santiago-de-Chile-household-market-based-on-Zone-and-Area-characteristics PublicThis repository contains the Geospatial Data Science challenge presented in the final part of the DTU Data Science course 42577 & 42184: Data Science for Mobility / Introduction to Business Analytics
Network-and-Text-Analytics-upon-the-Hotel-business-reviews-within-Las-Vegas-USA PublicThis repository contains the NLP capstone & complete collection of Python projects made for the DTU Data Science course 02805: Social Graphs and Interactions
0 contributions in the last year
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