mfer-node is an Ethereum transaction simulator based on go-ethereum.
- Provide a standard web3 rpc like geth provides, so you can use a wallet to connect to it.
- Connect to most of Ethereum web3 rpc and fork the network.
- Detect missing state and re-fork at latest block heigh automaticlly.
- Local mempool to keep state mutation.
- Block pinning by adding a postfix
- Trace blocks by specific range (Optimised for L2).
- Auto merge batch request so you can even use a public RPC to get a good trace performance.
On host:
go mod download
go build -o mfer-node ./cmd/mfer-node
or use Docker:
docker build -t local/mfer-node:latest -f Dockerfile .
docker run -d -p 8545:8545 -p 10545:10545 local/mfer-node mfer-node --upstream
or via docker-compose:
docker-compose up -d
mfer-node --help
to get all the available commands.